Word Of The Day: My father, I need a miracle by fire {Part 2}

My father, I need a miracle by fire {Part 2}

We conclude today on the message for the cry for miracle.(See Part 1 Here) We established that every child of God should desire a miracle; the life of a child of God should be different from an unbeliever because there is a greater force at work. The bible says; “Ask and it shall be given” {Mat 7:}; God has given us a blank cheque which we must utilize to the fullest to get a much more bountiful and fulfilled life. It is then when miracle manifest in your life , you will be a mysterious wonder; you will be called the favoured on; you will now be a reference point for other people’s miracle.
Then you need to cry for a miracle?

What is a Miracle?
Miracle is raising the dead back to life

"He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot be counted" {Job 5:9}

When Jesus finally arrived, Martha was deep in grief and questioned His late arrival. Yet Jesus is never late, but rather God’s glory was revealed in Lazarus’ resurrection. Imagine the mixture of fear, shock, and joy that Lazarus’ family and friends must have felt! When we cry out to God for the impossible, we must cling to the truth of His power over life and death. When one person comes to know Jesus, the joy of being raised from the dead is no less miraculous and celebrated with the angels in heaven.
There are three stages in the work of God: impossible, difficult, done.”  --James Hudson Taylor
Are there any situation that seems dead in our life; are there challenges that you have giving up on; call on God for a miracle and they will come back to life.
The miraculous interventions we seek from our troubles will come through the mighty hand of God.
I Pray; Every dead good thing in your life; come alive by the resurrection power of God.
Miracle is God making your sickness disappear

"But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed."{Isa 53:5}
In Jerusalem Jesus met a man who had been ill for 38 years. This man was laying beside a pool of water which was believed to have healing powers. The man was trusting in the water to heal him of his condition, but there was no one to help him into the water at the right time.

Jesus asked the man if he wanted to be healed. The man replied that he did want to be healed, but that he was incapable of helping himself. Jesus told him to stand up as a healed man and take his bed and go home.
Jesus came that we might not be healed and He healed so many:
ü Jesus Heals a Centurion's Servant   
ü Jesus Heals a Paralytic    
ü Jesus Heals a Man’s Withered Hand                
ü Jesus Heals a Woman in the Crowd 
ü Jesus Heals the Blind ,dumb, lame, cripples and so on

I Pray; Every sickness in your body Shall perish by the power in the blood of Jesus.
Who Should Pray For a Miracle?
Ø Those that have be beaten by the challenges of life.
Ø Those that devil has chained by the devil.

Ø Those suffering from satanic embargo.
Ø Those who the world has been mocking.
Ø If you have the pushed to the bottom of heaven.
Ø Those suffering from scarcity of testimony.
Ø Those that are being afflicted with Strange Sicknesses and Diseases.

Ø Those that are laboring under a hard taskmaster.
Ø Those who people have been asking; ‘where is their God’.
Ø Those that whose progress is limited.
Ø Those that are under Strong Spiritual Attack.

Ø Those whose spiritual life has been surprised.
Ø Those whose heavens have been closed.
Ø Those that are almost given up.
Ø Those that are convinced that they need a Miracle
If there is anything that will trigger you today is the scripture:
"For with God nothing shall be impossible."{Luke 1:37}
There is no situation or challenge you can be facing that is too much for God to change if only you can cry for divine intervention; don’t take this message, cry for a miracle.

Some People that Enjoyed Miracles
God has done it for others; he can do it for you; He has done it for others;
v Jabez prayed for Miracle and God changed his story. { 1 Chron. 4:10}
v Israelites prayed for miracle and the lord delivered them from their bondage. {Exodus 2:23-25 }
v Hannah cried for miracle and the lord opened her womb and gave her a son. {1 Sam 1:20 }
v Blind Bathemeus cried for miracle and God opened his eyes. {Mark 10:47-50 }
v Elisha cried for miracle and the water pathed for him to pass.{ 2 Kings 2:14 }
v Zerubbabel cried for miracle and the mountains before him became plain. { Zech. 4:7}
v Jesus prayed for miracle and much impossibility became possible. { John 11:41-43}

Criteria For Miracle
1.   Repent from every known sin.
2.   Be a Friend of God.
3.   Run away from every appearance of Evil.
4.   Continuous Cry for Miracle.
The lord will give you Miracle and He will use your life o show the world the magnitude of his power in the name of Jesus.

Prayer Points
1.   Every power behind my stagnation, die, in the name of Jesus.
2.   Every evil power using my glory to shine, die, in the name of Jesus.
3.   My Father, arise and let my way open, in the name of Jesus.
4.   My Father, empower my angels of blessings to breakthroughs now, in the name of Jesus.
5.   My past labors, arise, become testimonies, in the name of Jesus.
6.   I move from glory to glory by fire, in the name of Jesus.
7.   I move from strength to strength by fire, in the name of Jesus.
8.   I move from grace to grace by fire, in the name of Jesus.
9.   I move from favor to favor by fire, in the name of Jesus.
10.                   Power speaking demotion into my destiny, die, in the name of Jesus.
11.                   Where I have been failing, I will succeed, in the name of Jesus.
12.                   Every good thing I touch shall prosper, in the name of Jesus.
13.                   If I’m carrying sand now, it shall become gold, in the name of Jesus.
14.                   If I’m carrying dust now, it shall become silver, in the name of Jesus.
15.                   If I’m carrying mud now, it shall become diamond, in the name of Jesus.
16.                   Let the unction to function successfully come upon me now, in the name of Jesus.
Seven Fold Amen with Faith!!!
Amen! Amen! Amen! Amen! Amen! Amen! Amen!
2015 is your Year of multiple restoration and unparalleled Favor in the name of Jesus


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