Word of the Day: MY OLD AGE SHALL NOT CRY {Part 2}


This is a continue further in out series of exposition on reason why a lot of people get to a stage in life where there are supposed to be comfortable, seat down and enjoy the fruit of their labour but unfortunately; the reverse is the case.(Read Part 1 Here) When many think back in time they are full of regrets and bitterness. The message is not to condemn or make anybody feel bad; it is a message of awareness that will trigger you to make amends where necessary and to guide you appropriately to greatness, such that you will fulfil destiny and you will not have an old age of tears. I Decree into your life; The Power of God Shall walk back to your Past and make repairs where necessary; I pray the grace of God shall sustain you and deliver you destiny into Greatness in the name Jesus. Throughout the days of your life you shall not weep in the name of Jesus.

Facts about Old Age
v Old Age is a time for reaping; either positive or negative.
v Old Age poses the power of Blessing or poverty.
v Old Age poses understanding.
v Old age comes with either regrets or fulfillment
v Old age is expected to be fruitful if you desire it.
They shall still bring forth fruit in old age; they shall be (fresh) and flourishing{Psa.92:13, 14}
v God has the power to sustain you Old Age.
He will renew your life and sustain you in your old age{Ruth 4:15}

You Need God not Just for Now but especially for your Old Age; when your strength faileth.
And now, in my old age, don’t set me aside. Don’t forsake me now when my strength is failing{Psalm 71:9}
Do not cast me off in the time of old age; Do not forsake me when my strength fails.” {Psalm 71:9}
Man’s life its divide into three
1.   Your early years                                 1-12
2.   Your teenage years                            13-20
3.   Your active years                               21 – 45
4.   Your passive years                             46- 60
5.   Your old age                                       61-100
Whether you like it or not, this period will come
Remember.....what will happen in the last quarter of your life
10 Determining Factors that may cause your Old Age To Cry {Continuation}

Factor 2:        Lack of  Vision
Another determining factor that makes people regret at their old age is when they do not sit down at their early stage and have a vision.
What is Vision?
Vision the ability to think about or plan the future with imagination, wisdom and inspiration.
"Where there is no vision, the people perish . . .” {Proverbs 29:18}
v Vision is what we see, but it is also the way in which we see
v Vision is a roadmap to greatness.
v Vision is a unique positive idea.
v Vision is a unique positive blueprint of you future.

A lot of people are going about their life as it comes; no many have a plan for their life.
God has a plan for everyone; a blueprint is available; God has deposited in everybody’s life something that is very unique; something that will make you Great; but you need to discover it.
"For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end."{Jeremiah 29:11}
How wonderful will it be? if everyone can sit down have a vision and frequently and think about it to see if you are moving close.
Don’t just live your life; have an aspirational; have something you would like to achieve or accomplish in a short or long-term future. Courses of action.
Facts about Vision
o  A man without a vision is a man without a future.
o  Vision is the bridge between the present and the future.
o  Regardless of your Age; Having a vision now can still help you repair the damages of the past.
o   Vision gives pain a purpose
Illustration Story
Consider the example of a young man who has just graduated from high school and joins the military. As soon as he steps off the boot camp bus, the sergeant starts yelling at him. He has to march over to the barbershop and get his head shaved. Then he is up early in the morning to exercise with someone screaming at him and talking about his mother. Just a month before, he was in high school. He would have never put up with any of this nonsense from his teachers or classmates. But somehow his whole mindset has changed. Why? He is enduring the “cross” so to speak, because of the joy on the other side of it. He realizes that boot camp is preparing him for a greater destiny. His vision of the future is giving his present physical discomfort meaning and purpose.

No Pain No Gain
The secret to true greatness lies in the ability to articulate a clear vision of what you can achieve.
You are never quite a man until you have discovered our true life mission
Our vision determines your destiny. When you can see what is possible and believe that it can come to pass, it makes you capable of doing the impossible.
 People of Vision:
v Joseph in the Bible Joseph had a vision and even after many years and tribulation he did not forget his vision. He did not say because of what happening to him he will compromise. Many have settled for the less of their vison only because they were not able to persist or be patient yet a little longer; therefore they have shortchange themselves; many have married the wrong wife, choose the wrong jobs and the likes; stick to your vision.
v  Abraham Lincoln: He failed Terribly but never gave up because he had his vision intact and ultimately became number 1 citizen of the united states.

v President Buhari of Nigeria: This is a man that has tried to become president many times but failed; he persisted because of vision. It was even when the opposition was more that his vision manifested and he became the president at the age of 72.

v  President Obama of US: He was a black and because vision knows now impossibility; He visualized what looked impossible and became the first ever black US president.
v Mark Zuckerberg: He did not just live is life the usual youth way; he had a vision and he pursued it. At a very young age of less than 30 years, He is owns a billion dollar company called Facebook.

v Richard Branson: He started from a record store business that owns a big group of company; virgin Group. Virgin has over 400 companies. He was also launched a space rocket; though he failed, he has vowed to continue; with vision he will certainly succeed

You have many people in life that has achieved great success because of the principle of Success.
You have a greater advantage if you are now partner your vision with Jesus; Then with HIM, NOTHING WILL BE IMPOSSIBLE.
 Vision Category of People
Ø  People with no vision for their lives and wonder how to obtain one.
Ø  People who have vision but confused on how to go about it.
Ø  People with vison but their vision has being killed.
 Vision Killers
v Fear.
v Discouragement.
 “For the vision [is] yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.” {Habakkuk 2:3}
v Disappointment.
v Failure.
v Frustration.
v Laziness.
v Distractions.
v Set Backs.

 What To Do è
1.   Have a vision today.
2.   Set a Goal for yourself.
3.   Write down your visions and Goals
 “Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it.{Habakkuk 2:2}
4.   Place Your Vision in God's Hands.
5.   Destroy every vision killers.
6.   Have a vision mentor.
7.    Guide your Vision with Spiritual warfare; the spiritual controls the physical.

We will continue from here next time. Please ensure you make it through the whole series of this topic;
It might save your Old Age!!!
Prayer Points
1.   Lord grant unto me clearer vision in Jesus Name.
2.   Lord the vision that will open doors unto my greatness, give me the grace to pursue it to conclusion in Jesus Name.
3.   Father help me to write down my vision clearly and stay focused to it in Jesus Name.
4.   Father help me to operate under your divine visions and direction in Jesus Name.
5.   Lord help me not to loose the vision that will transform and change my story in Jesus Name.
6.   Father give me your divine grace to pursue my vision to conclusion in Jesus Name
7.   Every man or woman who will come my way with intention to manipulate me to forget my vision, Father, separate me from them in Jesus Name
8.   Father every vision killer that want to kill my visions, let your fire send them away in Jesus Name
9.   Father by Your hands of mercy help me to achieve every of my vision and goal in Jesus Name
10.         Every challenges of storm, difficulties that will rise against my vision, Lord give me the power to overcome it in Jesus Name
11.         Lord connect me to people that will support my vision in Jesus Name
12.         I use the blood of Jesus to cancel every satanic vision and idea that will put me into trouble in Jesus Name.
13.         Lord Jesus; Help me so that I don’t fish in profitless waters in the name of Jesus.
14.         Father let my vision be accepted by all in Jesus Name
15.         Lord, deliver me from the bondage and sin of spiritual laziness in Jesus Name.
16.         Lord, open up my understanding in Jesus Name.
17.         Lord, teach me deep and secret things in Jesus Name.
18.         Lord Jesus; ignite and revive my beneficial potentials n Jesus Name.
19.         Lord; Give me divine wisdom to operate my life in Jesus Name.
20.         Thank You God for answered prayers
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