Word Of The Day: The Report of the Lord

The Report of the Lord

The realities of our day-to-day lives usually do not look pleasant. Even things that should come easily may be looking difficult; we are in the least days and the devil has increased its rage and effort because he knows he had but a little time. The rage of the enemy does not mean that the power of God has reduced or is been affected. The power of God remains the ultimate power that supersedes all powers. What the devil tries is to distract us away from seeing the magnitude of that capability of the power of God. Despite the several reports of the circumstances and reality of this world, there is a more authentic report; it is the lord’s report.

"Who has believed our report? And to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?"{Isa 53:1}
o  Did they say; they see cancer?
o  Did they say; they see Fibroid?
o  Did they say; they see Poverty?
o  Did they say; they see Failure?
o  Did they say; they see Bareness?
o  Did they say; they see Joblessness?
o  Did they say; they see Demotion?
. . . these are not the Reports of the lord !!!

Whose Report Do You Believe?
The devil desires that we listen to the negative reports
Different Types of Report
ü Report from Parents.
ü Report from Friends.
ü Report from Family.
ü Report from Neighbors.
ü Report from the Government.
ü Report from our self.
ü Report from the Devil.
ü The Report of the Lord.
What are the reports of the devil?
Ø It is what the village wickedness says about you.
Ø It is the plan of the wicked for you.
Ø It is the evil thoughts of your enemies.
Ø It is the negative verdicts of your superiors.
Ø It is the contrary writings against you.
Ø It is what God has not said about you.

What is the Report of the Lord?
The report of the lord can be seen in the following:
o  It is the thoughts that God has in mind for you.{Jer 29:11}
o  It is the promise of God for you. {2 Corinthians 1:20}
o  It is what the Bible says about you.{ Ephesians 1:12}
o  It is the plans God has for your destiny.{Jer 29:11}
o  It is the report that overrules the report of the devil. {Lam 3:37}
o   Your Expectation according to His Will. {Proverbs 23:18}

People that yielded to the devil report
Most of the times, People tend to yield to the devil report because of the difficult reality and challenge of Life.
Ø Lot’s Wife.
Ø The Nine Spies of Jericho.
Ø Zechariah, father of John the baptized.

People that ACCEPTED the lords report
Despite s the challenges of life and difficult circumstances; many people will still stick to the lord’s report.
Ø Hezekiah.
Ø Daniel.
Ø Shedrach, Meshach & Abednego.
Ø One of the Spies of Jericho.
"See, I have set before thee this day life and good, and death and evil;" {Deut 30:15}
It is our Counsel today;  that you choose life; that you choose the lord’s reports; over sicknesses pain and bad circumstances that seems to appear more real.
Lord’s Report vs devil’s report
It’s Impossible
All things are possible
Luke 18:27
Your too tired
I will give you rest
Matt 11:28
Nobody really loves you
God really loves you
John 3:1
You can’t go on
God’s grace is sufficient Psalm
Psalm 91:15
You can’t figure things out
God will direct your steps
Psalms 91:15
You can’t do it
You can do all things
Phil 4:13
You are not able
God is able
2Cor 9:8
It’s not worth it
It will be worth it all
Rom. 8:28
You can’t forgive yourself
God will forgive you
1 John 1:9
You can’t manage
God will supply all your needs
Phi 4:19
You should be afraid
 God has not given u the spirit of fear
2Ti 1:7
You are worried and frustrated
God says cast all your cares on me
1Pet 5:7
You are not smart enough
God gives us wisdom
1 Cor. 1:30
Your all alone
God says I will never leave you
Heb. 13:5

Powers that works against the lord’s report
v Fear.
v Unbelief.
v Sin
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.{Philippians 4:8}
The worst report was the night Jesus was crucified. Hell was rejoicing and was spreading the terrible report that Jesus was dead.
But three days later Jesus Himself began to re write the report. It was a good report.
What You Need!!!
v Faith.
v Love.
v Perseverance.
v God’s Strength & Grace.
v Courage & Boldness.

"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." {John 16:33}
Prayer Points
1.   Any material of my body present in any evil altar be withdrawn, in the name of Jesus.
2.   Any good thing belonging to me that is presently being kept in a satanic bank, be released to me, in the name of Jesus.
3.   Any area I have submitted myself to physicians of no value, be released, in the name of Jesus.
4.   I release myself from every infirmity, in the name of Jesus.
5.   Eternal Rock of ages, lay your hands of fire upon me, in Jesus' name.
6.   Lord Jesus, answer me when I cry, in Jesus' name.
7.   Let the blood of Jesus minister defeat against every sickness in my life.
8.   I minister death unto the enemy of good health in my life by the blood of Jesus.
9.   I bind the staying power of any sickness by the blood o f Jesus.
10.                   I hold the blood of Jesus against you, you spirit of ---------- (mention the sickness in your life). You have to flee.
11.                   I hold the blood of Jesus against the spirit of stagnation in any area of my life.
12.                   I hold the blood of Jesus against demonic delay of healing miracles.
13.                   I hold the blood of Jesus against lack of good health.
14.                   I hold the blood of Jesus against every delayed and denied promotion.
15.                   I hold the blood of Jesus against dead accounts.
16.                   I hold the blood of Jesus against every evil diversion.
17.                   Lord, begin to plant good things in my life and let the good fruits begin to manifest.
18.                   I bind and cast down the spirit of uncertainty in my mind and I render its activity null and void in my life in the name of Jesus.
19.                   Holy Ghost, occupy every area vacated by spirit of uncertainty in my mind in the name of Jesus.
20.                   Lord, every damage spirit of uncertainty has done in my life be repaired and restored in the name of Jesus.
21.                   I recover and posses every good thing lost to the spirit of uncertainty in the name of Jesus.

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