Life can be maintained and enjoyed by keeping to biblical
principles. We can overcome a lot of life’s hurdles and battles by just keeping
to the biblical principles. Biblical principles are God's way of conveying to
mankind how to live, excel, and to Christians the path of progressive maturity
in the faith
The biblical principles are the fundamentals guides of the men
of Faith in the bible.
Obedience To The Lord
“do not forget my teaching, but keep my
commands in your heart” (Vs. 1) – In order
to practice obedience to God’s Word, we must first know what God’s Word says.
As we read the Bible and learn more about God, we can begin to keep His
commands in our hearts, and can eventually get better and better at obeying
Him. As a result, His commands will, “prolong your life many years and bring you
prosperity.” (Vs. 2)
Trust In The Lord
“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and
lean not on your own understanding” (Vs. 5) – God wants
us to lean on Him in everything we do instead of leaning on ourselves.
When you trust God with all of your heart, you will learn to lean on Him
in good times and bad. As a result, “he will make your paths straight.” (Vs. 6)
The more we’re blessed
by God, the more he expects us to help others
Jesus said it this way in Luke 12: “Much is required from the person to whom much is
given; much more is required from the person to whom much more is given” (GNT). We are blessed to
be a blessing.
When we bless others,
God takes care of our needs.
God promises that if we will
concentrate on blessing others, he’ll take care of our needs. There’s almost
nothing that God won’t do for the person who really wants to help other people.
In fact, God guarantees this blessing. In Luke 18, Jesus says, “I guarantee
this. Anyone who gives up anything for the kingdom of God will certainly
receive many times more in this life and will receive eternal life in the next
world to come.”
you care about helping other people, God assumes responsibility for your
problems. And that’s a real blessing, for he’s much better at handling your
difficulties than you are.
You Reap What You Sow
Believe it or not, everything you do creates a ripple effect.
The seeds you plant can either spring up into life, or lead to destruction. If
you frequently back out of your promises, take things that don’t belong to you,
insult others, lie or cheat, you are sowing bad seeds. Bad seeds can destroy
the good things in your life such as your relationships. That’s why the Bible
admonishes us to sow good seeds unto righteousness, through your kind words and
good deeds. In doing so, your life will be used to be a blessing to others.
The Bible is loaded with passages about giving and this one is
no exception. In Proverbs 11:24, we are told that when we give to others
freely, we will increase. On the other hand, the one that “withholdeth more than is meet
tendeth to poverty.” The idea is that when we give to those that have
need, the Lord restores it back double-fold. These blessings may come in the
form of finances, health, strength, security, peace and prosperity. However,
the basis for why we give should not be with the hopes of gaining a reward, but
out of love for our Father.
Wisdom is More Precious
than Gold
Do you want to be wise? In
the book of Proverbs, we find many good principles that can benefit us.
Proverbs 8:11 is one that talks about the importance of possessing wisdom. The
wisdom spoken of here can’t be found in a high-ranking institution, degree, or
even position. Divine wisdom begins by sitting at Jesus’ feet. (Proverbs 9:10,
Psalm 111:10) Above any earthly possession, our character is what matters most
in all of Heaven. Plus, it is one treasure that won’t cost you a dime to keep.
Love your Enemies
As humans, we tend to be
fairly good at loving the people that love us. But Christ’s model of love goes
a whole extra ten yards. In Matthew 5:44, Christ tells us to “bless them that curse you… [and] do good to them
that hate you…” Imagine how different
our world would be if we followed after this wise counsel. By speaking these
words, Christ was seeking to work a transformation in the hearts of its
hearers. He longs to do the same today. The love Christ describes here is
possible only by His strength. This is the only way we can ever learn what it
means to love people everywhere, no matter what wrongs they have done to us.
Humble Yourself and You
will be Exalted
God’s word plainly reveals
to us that the key to greatness is humility. (James 4:10) When the Lord ordains
us for a great task, He first requires us to humble ourselves and submit to the
calling. And with the calling comes great responsibility. Ultimately, you are
God’s vessel to carry out His greater purpose, which is to save lives. For
example, think of Esther who was called to royalty to save her people (Esther
4:14), and Joseph who was promoted by God in order to save Egypt and the
surrounding nations from the upcoming famine. (Genesis 41:46-57) Oftentimes, we
lust after grand positions but fail to seek Christ for the character that is
needed to keep us there.
This is
why it becomes especially important that before seeking anything in life, we
first ask God to prepare us for whatever lies ahead and request that His spirit
sustain us. As well, let the Lord exalt you when He says so. Remember, you’re
on His watch.
Message culled
from materials of Rick Warren,John H. Stoll & Alexandra Yeboah
Enlarge my steps so I can
receive your wealth and prosperity in the name of Jesus (Isa 60:5-9)
I receive deliverance and
enlargement for my life in the name of Jesus (Esther 4:14)
The Lord shall increase me
more and more me and my children in the name of Jesus (PS 115:14)
Let your kingdom and
government increase in my life In the name of Jesus (Isa 9:7)
Let me increase in the
knowledge of God in the name of Jesus(Col 2:19)
O Lord bless me and
increase me in the name of Jesus (Isa 51:2)
let me increase
exceedingly in the name of Jesus (Gen
Let me increase with the
increase of God in the name of Jesus (Col2:19)
Let me increase and abound
in love in the name of Jesus (1 Thess 3:12)
Increase my greatness and
comfort me on every side in the name of Jesus (Ps 71:21)
Let me increase in wisdom
and stature in the name of Jesus (Luke
Let me increase in
strength and confound the adversaries in the name of Jesus (Acts 9:22)
Let your grace and favor
increase in my life in the name of Jesus
let the years of my life
be increased in the name of Jesus (Prov 9:11)
Let the word of God
increase in my life in the name of Jesus (Acts 6:7)
Bless me in all my
increase in the name of Jesus (Deut 14:22)
Let my giving and tithes
increase in the name of Jesus (Deut 14:22)
Let my latter end greatly
increase in the name of Jesus (Job 8:7)
I will flourish like a
palm tree and grow like a cedar in Lebanon (Ps 92:12)
The breaker is gone up
before me and broken through every limitation and barrier of the enemy in the
name of Jesus (Mic 2:13)
Lord, you are the God of
the breakthrough. You have broken forth against my enemies (2 Sam 5:20).