Today’s message is on handling stubborn problems that come out of the blues.

I’ll like you to go through the book of 1 Samuel 17:34-36 for a clear picture. As you read, may you be blessed.
But David said to Saul, "Your servant has been keeping his father's sheep. When a lion or a bear came and carried off a sheep from the flock, 35 I went after it, struck it and rescued the sheep from its mouth. When it turned on me, I seized it by its hair, struck it and killed it. 36 Your servant has killed both the lion and the bear; this uncircumcised Philistine will be like one of them, because he has defied the armies of the living God.”
Verse :50
So David triumphed over the Philistine with a sling and a stone; without a sword in his hand he struck down the Philistine and killed him. ‘ NIV
     1.    Take time to Prepare
v Your unrecognized time alone is going to be a decider when your Goliath comes challenging you.

v Before you meet your actual Goliath, humble yourself by going to fight lions and bears.
v The other soldiers of Israel had experiences fighting men;
David had his experience with wild animals, Goliath was a similar animal to him.
   2.    Understand your weapons
v You don’t always have to use the conventional to answer significant challenges.

v Some challenges actually require an unconventional approach.
v Have a strategy and stick to it. Your challenge would never have seen it coming.

    3.    Believe in the Supernatural
v Faith actually goes a long way in our performance.
The Israelites knew God existed, David not only knew but understood God and His ways. This caused him to have absolute faith in God’s power to deliver (afterall, God had spared him from a lion and a bear).
v You might be gifted and yet not know because you have no faith or, yours is shaky.

v Believe that there is a spirit in you to inspire you and lead you to fulfillment. God is always with you as long as you are with Him

    4.    Faith must be demonstrated with works
v David did not get to Goliath expecting God’s thunder would strike him down.

Any lazy believer could expect that God would suddenly give Goliath a heart attack at that point; but God had other ways to deal with the giant. God was going to work through the faith and determination of a young prepared lad. God was able to give
David the inspiration to see the giant as a bear, so also, God was able to ensure that the stone sailed smoothly to the forehead of the giant. You must as well dare to ensure you are ready to back you faith.
 5.    When your Goliath takes a step, take two
v Pro-activeness is vital for success.

Don’t just sit back and talk, run at your problem in such a way that it would shudder at your response.
Goliath started walking towards David, but it was the young lad who took an unexpected step in running towards the giant.

 6.    Glorify your God
v Know this, Your problem wants to challenge God in your life.
You mustn’t give it a chance to do so. This must be revealed in your words and composure.

v Deal with your problem in such a way that God can proudly say “that’s my boy”
In conclusion:

When you’ve done all this, the kings that once saw you as “the boy who plays the harp” will ask their officials “who is that boy’s father?”

Your Day is Blessed.
Submitted by: Abiodun Kayode-Alli

Prayer Points To Defeat Goliath
1.   I refuse to labor in vain in the name of Jesus
2.   Father, make all proposals to find favour in the sight of men
3.   Goliath of poverty, assigned against me, die, in the name of Jesus.
4.   Every power delaying my success, die, in the name of Jesus.
5.   Every power hindering my progress, die, in the name of Jesus.
6.   Power of Goliath frustrating my breakthroughs, die, in the name of Jesus.
7.   Every strongman blocking my chances, die, in the name of Jesus.
8.   Every strongman diverting my blessings, die, in the name of Jesus.
9.   Every power destroying my business and blocking my opportunities, die, in the name of Jesus.
10.         To every strongman in charge of my case, I invade your domain and put you under arrest, in Jesus name.
11.         I pull you down to zero level and I bind you with fetters of iron, in the name of Jesus.
12.         Goliath; Receive fire and brimstone after the order of Sodom and Gomorrah, in the name of Jesus.
13.         I trample Strongman assigned against my destiny, in the name of Jesus.
14.         I come as a stronger man against you and I overpower you with the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus.
15.         I seize your weapons and smash them to irreparable pieces, in the name of Jesus.
16.         I recover my stolen goods from you, in the name of Jesus.
17.         Net of dark powers, release me, in the name of Jesus.
18.         Power of the wicked avenger upon my life, die, in the name of Jesus.
19.         Lord, hammer my matter into the mind of those who will assist me so that they do not suffer from demonic loss of memory.
20.         I paralyze the handiwork of household enemies and envious agents in my life in the name of Jesus.
21.       I  recover seven-fold, everything that the strongman has stolen from me, in the name of Jesus.
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