Christianity with no result

Christianity with no result

Many practice Christianity but in the actual truth; what they derive from it is not so eminent.
There are various reasons that people find themselves in Christianity.
v ........By birth
v .......Family religion
v ......Popular religion
v ......Social religion

v ......Religion in vogue
v ......Beneficial religion
v ......By Problem
Very few Christians choose Christianity by their own divine encounter and volition.
This is why you see when people like the herbalist or any other religion convert to Christianity, they become very fervent and faith strong; it is because of their Supernatural Divine Encounter.
It is not a crime to know Christianity by birth, family, problems or any other means but it is very essential to seek for that divine encounter and grow in Christianity.
It is essential that everyone encounter their personal Jesus and the Jesus of their parent, family, pastor or the Jesus of their church; know the God you serve.
". . . But the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits." {Daniel 11:32}
If you don’t really know the reason of your Christianity; why you are a Christian,
It will be difficult to live the Christian life effectively.
Christian practice that brings no result
      1.   No Faith

"For unto us was the gospel preached, as well as unto them: but the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it." {Heb 4:2}
"Seeing therefore it remaineth that some must enter therein, and they to whom it was first preached entered not in because of unbelief:" {Heb 4:6}
Many Christians live a holy live; they run from sin; they are fervent in church activities BUT STILL, they miss several divine blessings and testimonies of God just because of Unbelief.

v It is important that very Christian work on their faith level; see that it is increasing daily.
v A way of increasing you faith level is believing things that seems impossible but by the word of God it is possible; dwell on those words, it will happen and your faith will increase.
v This is one of the mysteries that God uses in building the men of God; they just stand on the word of God and they see many things happen and their faith keeps increasing; this is why the some men of God seem UNSHAKABLE; you can also get there.
"So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." {Romans 10:17}
2.   No Love

Christians are required to grow in order to live an effective Christian life; without genuine love in the life of a Christian; it is impossible to Grow.
Christians must be able to live a practical life of the content in 2 Corinthians 13; not just by memorizing it.

"He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love." {1 John 4:8}
·      A Christian without love will be spiritually stagnant and will soon begin to stink in the nostril of heaven.    Power: if not they will be stagnant.
3.   No Power

It is very unfortunate today that many Christians lack the power that belongs to them.
v Without power, it is easy for a Christians will be prey to the devil.
v This is why the enemy has inflicted many Christians with various kinds of infirmity and disease.

v If Only Christians can stand up in power through fervent night prayers, night vigils, word of God & faith; they will put the enemy to shame, come out victorious and possess their possession.
4.   No Word Of God

Many Christians go to church and get several messages but they are too lazy to read their bible.  Most of this type of Christians have become slaves to their pastors; God did not create it that way.
Christians should emulate the Christians of old; the barean Christians.
“These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so." {Act 17:11}
The barean Christian will go home after the service and they have been taught the word of God; they will study it and confirm what they are been taught; this is how every Christians should be.

If all Christians be like this they will not be easily deceive by false prophet and pastors; they will not be lured to do strange things that are not in the bible;
Many wrong teachings and doctrines like:
ü Man bathing for a married woman;
ü Going naked to pray at night
ü Pastors using bleach to wash away sin of members.
ü Pastors putting incision on the body of members.
ü Pastors sleeping with woman looking for the fruit of the womb.
ü Pastors asking member to carry sacrifice.
ü Pastors asking members to eat grass.
ü Pastors saying members can dress as they like because God looks at the hearth and not the outward appearance
Regardless of the circumstance, As long as the instruction, doctrine and teachings does not conform with the bible; flee, run away from such gathering, people or environment.
A Christian that do not have sufficient word will remain in darkness
And ultimately invites the devil into his/her life because the devil thrives in darkness.

5.   No Sufficient Prayer

"For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." {Heb 4:12}
Many Christians find it difficult to pray on their own.
Some Christians pray so hard in church but when they get home them turn off their prayer machine.
God desires to communicate with Christians consistently.

"Pray without ceasing." {1 Thes 5:17}
ü Prayer is the most powerful force on earth;
ü Prayer can change anything and everything.
ü Prayer gives direction in life
A prayerless Christian will lack direction and eventually miss the divine breakthroughs.
6.   Life of Sin
The ultimate destroyer of the Christian faith is Sin.
ü Many Christians have lost their entitlement because of sin.
ü Many have been ridiculed to the bottom of life on the altar of Sin.
ü Sin is a razor blade that thrashes the garment of glory.
"What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?" {Rom 6:1}

If any Christian is still committing conscious sin; then you will be missing several blessing of God because that is a potent strategy the devil use in robbing people’s blessings.
7.   Worldly Lifestyle

"Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him." {1st John 2:15}
Many people want to live the Christian life; enjoys the benefit of the Christian life; also wants to live the worldly life and enjoy the benefits of the worldly life.
ü You cannot be in the two camps; it is either you are in God’s camp or in the World camp.
ü Of a truth both camps have their blessings and benefits but the Christian life has eternal and most beneficial blessings.
ü You cannot be a Christian and still live the life of the world.
ü The life of the world is for unbelievers.

"Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold all things are become new." {2 Cor 5:17}
ü There must be a difference between you and the unbeliever.
There must be a difference in the following:
Ø Your Speech
Ø Your Lifestyle
Ø Your Actions
Ø Your Friends.
Ø Your Clothes.
Ø You Behaviors
Ø The Company You Keep.
Ø The Places you go to.
Ø Your Family life.
Ø   . . . . And So On.
Reflect on the message and work on your life; also see that to share the message with a friend.
Prayer Points
1.   My Father; Empower me in my Christian Journey in the name of Jesus.
2.   I receive the Grace to fail in my Christian Journey in the name of Jesus.
3.   I recover back everything the enemy has stolen from me through my careless Christian life in the name of Jesus.
4.   Every negative influence against my spiritual life, die by Fire in the name of Jesus.
5.   Power of God, poses my life, in the name of Jesus.
6.   Every hindrance to effective Christian life, die in the name of Jesus. 
7.   I refuse to be a victim to the devil; I receive power to Overcome and conquer in the name of Jesus.
8.   Powers assigned to waste my salvation, die in the name of Jesus
9.   Anything in me that wants my Christianity to be useless; die in the name of Jesus
10.                   Powers! Assigned to rubbish my destiny; die in the name of Jesus.
Seven Fold Amen with Faith!!!
Amen! Amen! Amen! Amen! Amen! Amen! Amen!
2016 is your Year Of Dominion Favour & Divine Acceleration in the name of Jesus

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