God is
not usually delighted when His people are not getting the sufficient blessings
they deserve. God does not support the oppression of people that have worked
tirelessly for Him and His Kingdom. God desires to operate in his fullness of
His Power and Splendor in Our Lives.
v It is very unfortunate that a lot of people hinder God from
moving in manner He would have wanted to Move.
v This is due the little openings we have allowed to the robber.
For this reasons, many testimonies have been aborted prematurely;
v Many breakthroughs have been truncated; many destinies have been
limited. The essence of today’s message is to look at how to rid of the dark rooms
that swallows god things in our life.
ð May the Light of God destroy every
darkness in Your Life and situations in the name of Jesus.
"This then is the message
which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him
is no darkness at all." {1 John 1:5}
is Light and has no Darkness; otherwise said that: Satan is Darkness and has
"If we say that we have
fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth: " {1
John 1:6}
v The Default of Man's life is Darkness; because the bible says
that we were all born in Sin; our mother conceived us in Sin.
v It is when Jesus Enters Into Our Life that it becomes Sanctified
and Illuminated.
v The Unfortunate thing is that while we are growing up, we have
acquired so many attachments from our environments, Parents, Television, character
traits and the likes.
The reason people struggle hard to live a Godly and righteous
life is just because there are place in their lives where Satan still recedes.
If some people can do a sincere scan into their life; they will
find out that:
ð Though People go to church;
ð Though claim to be born again;
ð Though they are church workers;
ð Though they speak in tongues;
ð Though they hold position and titles like pastors & bishops;
ð Though they know the bible inside-out;
All this Attributes are there; Satan still finds a way to operate in people’s lives; directly or indirectly.
ü This is because Satan has found a place of Habitation in that
ü This is because there is/are some little/few/much darkness in
that life.
ü Satan can be very comfortable in a life that is very fervent for
the lord so far you can just release a small portion of room.
ü Satan can be comfortable; is you can release a room regardless
of the little time you are letting it out for.
Satan is very meticulous in utilizing every little time he has got.
Dark Rooms
The dark
room is not a respecter of persons; it even specializes in people that tend to
be great substance.
Ø Because it is Dark; its operation could be subtle.
Ø Because it is Dark, its operation could tend to be invisible or non-existence
Ø Because it is Dark, its Operation could be Sudden
Ø Because it is Dark, its Operation could be enslaving.
Ø Because it is Dark, its Operation could be deadly.
If permitted, there
can be several agents present in the dark room of a person’s life; some of them
are as follows :
1.Unhealthy Thoughts
children of God may claim to be very sound in the lord, but are very vulnerable
to this negative thoughts.
Pointers that they may be present:
ü Fear of dying
ü Suicidal thoughts
ü Failure Thought
This is a
very subtle spirit that makes it very difficult for its victim that they are
Pointers that they may be present:
ü Find it difficult to
ü Will be uncomfortable
with the person keeping malice with
ü Will recap someone’s
wrong at every opportunity
This is
one of the siblings of talkativeness. This spirit has made many to lose their blessings.
The bible says you will give account of every word you speak. Don’t let this
spirit survive in your life; choke it to death.
Pointers that they may be present:
ü Always seem to enjoys
discussions of someone else wrong/mistake.
ü Discuss issues you
never want people to know you said.
might be ignorant that they have this spirit; it might be lying so the dark
room and you are not aware. Don’t be caught unawares before you deal with it
because the result might be disastrous. Many workers, pastors and fervent Christians
have fallen victim.
Pointers that they may be present:
ü Some of the pointers
to this spirit are:
ü Uneasy with the
opposite Sex.
ü When as a brother
tries to peep into a ladies skirt because she is not sitting well.
ü When a brother naked
a lady in the laboratory of his heart through imagination.
ü When a person majorly
enjoys the company of the opposite sex.
5.Secret Sin
This are
sin that in your innermost heart and It is a blessing hijacker. One need to
deal with it immediately because it is always waiting ahead in future.
Pointers that they may be present:
ü The person will
always be suspicious of been caught.
ü There will be heavy
This message will be
concluded tomorrow; we don’t want to oversaturate you today. Reflect on today’s
message and catch the concluding part tomorrow. Also see that you share the
message with a friend.
Prayer Points
Holy Spirit, Expose &
Defeat the demon in the dark room of my life in the name of Jesus.
O Lord, arise, and expose
anything hidden that is against me in Jesus name
O Lord, arise, and expose
any hidden enemy against my life in Jesus name
O Lord arise, and break
down any stronghold that is against my life in Jesus name
O Lord, connect me to the
right persons in Jesus name
O Lord, open the gates of
righteousness unto e in Jesus name
O Lord, expose anyone that
is mine foe today in Jesus name
Let there be open heaven
in my life in Jesus name
Every power that wants my
efforts to turn against me, I pull you down, in the name of Jesus.
O Lord, lift evil stones
away from my body, in the name of Jesus.
Lord, let the anointing of
the Holy Spirit break every yoke of backwardness in my life, in Jesus name.
Let my spirit-man become divine
fire, in the name of Jesus.
I frustrate every demonic
arrest over my spirit-man, in the name of Jesus.
Let the blood of Jesus
remove any retrogressive label from every area of my life, in Jesus name.
All anti-breakthrough
decrees; be revoked, in the name of Jesus.
Holy Ghost fire, destroy
every satanic garment in my life, in the name of Jesus.
O God, arise and stir the
winds to bring me restoration, in the name of Jesus.
O Lord, call forth new
patterns in my life that will promote me, in the name of Jesus.
Evil winds blowing against
me, be reversed, in the name of Jesus.
Afflictions hear the word
of the Lord, become promotions, in the name of Jesus.
Let my glory be perfected
by fire, in the name of Jesus.
Seven Fold Amen
with Faith!!!
Amen! Amen! Amen! Amen! Amen!
Amen! Amen!
2016 is
your Year Of Dominion Favour & Divine Acceleration in the name of Jesus