Sermon Jotter: MFM Revival Service: Dangers Of Dream Pollution {Dream Defilement}

Culled and revised jottings from a sermon from Dr. D.K Olukoya. General Overseer of the Mountain of fire and Miracles Ministries.
Sermon Date: Wednesday, 22nd June, 2016
@ MFM Headquarters, Lagos.

 “But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way.{Mat 13:25}
When a person’s dream is polluted; then the person becomes defiled.
Whenever defilement happens in the spiritual realm; the result in the physical are:
Ø Bad luck
Ø Backwardness
Ø Rejection

Ø No progress
Ø Good things avoid the person
Ø Bad things being magnetized to the person

 . . . And so on.
Physically; when something is filthy, it begins to smell; it attracts flies; people begin to avoid such filthiness.
So, also is the spiritual realm, filthiness chase away good things and causes bad luck.
What Are Dreams?
ü Dreams are spiritual monitors.
ü Dreams are to monitor the occurrence in the spirit realm.
ü Dreams can be wonderful if from God.
ü God always use dream to communicate to man since the days of the bible.
ü Dreams can be terrible when they come from our carnality of the devil.

7 Test to Severn dreams
1.    Is the dream scriptural?
2.    Does the dream draw you closer to God?
3.    Does the dream leave you confused?
4.    Does the dream edify you?
5.    Does the dream bring you into bondage?
6.    Is the Holy Spirit confirming the dream?
7.    Does the dream bring unholy fear?

The Dreams of Defilements
§  Sexual intercourse in dream.
§  Constant semen discharge in the dream.
§  Seeing faeces around you in the dream.

§  Drinking dirty water in the dream.
§  Raped in the dream
§  Seeing strange babies in the dream.
§  Drinking blood in the dreams
§  Unclean animals like Spider, scorpion, owl, vultures attacking you in the dream.
§  Dreams Of nakedness
§  Seeing self in coffin in the dream.
§  Eating spoilt food in the dream.
§  Vomiting in the dream
§  Being flogged in the dream.
When the dreams are defilement are consistent in a person’s life; then good things will be very difficult to achieve.
What do you need to do?
v Surrender life to Jesus.
v Renounce every evil dream.
v Dissolve theirs token.
v Possess your possession.
v Barricade your life with the blood of Jesus.
 . . Many aspects of this message have been shortened; Get full Sermon from the CD or book
Prayer Points
1.    Any power defiling the temple of my life, S-C-A-T-T-E-R! In the name of Jesus.
2.    Every power of defilement afflicting my life, S-C-A-T-T-E-R! In the name of Jesus.
3.    Every power standing-by to mock me, you are a LIAR! DIE!! In the name of Jesus.
4.    My spirit man! REJECT Defilement!!! In the name of Jesus.
5.    Any evil angel chasing good things away from me BE ARRESTED NOW! In the name of Jesus.
6.    My Father, arise for my sake, embarrass my enemies! In the name of Jesus.
7.    My body, my soul, my spirit, RECEIVE the Fire of God! In the name of Jesus.
8.    Let my enemies be put to shame by the power in the blood of Jesus.
9.    Holy Ghost Fire! INCUBATE MY LIFE!!! In the name of Jesus.
10.                       Messenger of Satan in my life, DIE!!! In the name of Jesus.
11.                       Satanic authority attacking my life, fall down and die! In the name of Jesus.
12.                       Every yoke against my health, B-R-E-A-K!!! In the name of Jesus.
13.                       Every astral projection by the wicked into my dream life BE ARRESTED!!! In the name of Jesus.
14.                       Dark strangers, Release Me by Fire!!! In the name of Jesus.
15.                       My hands hear the word of the Lord, Possess your possessions! In the name of Jesus.
16.                       Every agenda of darkness for the rest of this year, I cancel you, in the name of Jesus.
17.                       Where is the Lord God of Elijah, Arise and let my story change! In the name of Jesus.
Seven Fold Amen with Faith!!!
Amen! Amen! Amen! Amen! Amen! Amen! Amen!
2016 is your Year Of Dominion Favour & Divine Acceleration in the name of Jesus


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