Prayer Time: I Shall Not Miss Heaven

PRAYER TIME: I Shall Not Miss Heaven

1.    Anything in me that will make me miss heaven die in the name of Jesus.
2.    My salvation shall not be wasted in the name of Jesus.
3.    I separate myself from every Worldliness pushing me away from heaven in the name of Jesus.

4.    I shall not lose my crown of glory in the name of Jesus.
5.    I shall not labor in vain; I shall reap my reward in the name of Jesus.
6.    Mercy of the lord envelop me in the name of Jesus
7.    I cancel every curse of condemnation and destruction in my foundation in the name of Jesus.
8.    Lord Jesus, help me to draw closer to you in the name of Jesus.
9.    I shake away every satanic load pulling me back in my Christian race in the name of Jesus.
10.                       Strength of the lord, destroy my weakness in the name of Jesus.
11.                       Every deception of my religious activity die in the name of Jesus.
12.                       Lord, open my eyes to see my true spiritual status on the name of Jesus.
13.                       Lord Jesus, pull me out from the valley of religion in the name of Jesus.
14.                       I receive the grace to know you more in the name of Jesus.
15.                       Lord Jesus, Help me to be truly ready for your coming in Jesus name.

God Bless you.

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