Culled and revised jottings
from a sermon from Dr. D.K Olukoya. General Overseer of the Mountain of fire
and Miracles Ministries.
Sermon Date: Wednesday,
17th June, 2015
@ MFM Headquarters,
Breaking the Power
of Limitation
There are
a lot of people that are born to be kings but the life they live today is like
that of a slave; many are supposed to be flying eagles but have be converted in
to chickens; a lot of people should have been environmental transformers but
have been rendered powerless. There is a power that is responsible for this;
Many have gotten voices but this power has silenced their voices; this power
have made people go to the graveyard with their dreams; there are so many
unsung song, unwritten books; all in the cemetery. This is the work of the Power of Limitation.
Pray this Prayer: Every
domestic hidden enemy, loose your power in the name of Jesus.
{2 Sam
1:27} "How are the mighty fallen, and the weapons of war perished!"
There are
powers can make, even the mighty and powerful to fall.
"Man that is in honour, and understandeth not, is
like the beasts that perish." {Psalm
Here lies
a man that is loaded with honor but something has limited him, he did not know.
kinds of people are supposed to be rich but they don't know, they have been
limited. People that should be feeding others are now being from the people
that are supposed to be feeding.
What is Limitation?
Ø Your Areas of weaknesses.
Ø Your Areas of inefficiencies.
Ø The Minuses in your life
Ø Inabilities
Ø Obstacles
Ø Things that keep you down, spiritually our physically.
Ø A Line which a person cannot proceed.
Ø Boundary surrounding something.
Ø Anything that limits you.
Ø Hindrance from achieving maximum potential.
Ø Things that makes life difficult for a person.
Ø Yokes.
Ø Undermine convene abilities
Ø Restriction arranged to hold down progress
Ø Put progress under conditions
Ø Wicked boundaries set by enemy I the sprit
Ø Wicked satanic embargoes on rising of a destiny
For Some
people; in their family, no one can every go pass a particular level.
Story Illustration
particular wicked Occultic father called all his children and told them that
none of them should try to be richer than him. This father said, if anyone tries it, that the
person will die.
One of
the sons latter grew and married a successful business woman; this woman was favored
in her trade and everyone would like to buy things from her. The woman began to
grow in wealth; she also gave the husband money and the husband use it for business
and was flourishing.
One day,
this wicked father called this son and told asked him if he has forgotten the
warning and that he is almost getting riches that him. This brother that was
not a serious prayer warrior dammed the father that nothing will happened to
A week
later, his wife screamed out at the middle of the night; that someone was
holding her neck but no one could see anyone holding her neck.
ignorant man took his wife to the hospital instead of the prayer ground. Of
course the doctors could not see anything but the woman keep shouting her neck!
The doctor had to recommend that the take the woman to the psychiatric
hospital. When they got to the psychiatric hospital, just Two minutes after
insanity injection was given to the woman, she died.
The man
cried bitterly; after the death of the wife the man’s business went down as his
financier was now dead; the powers of limitation had dealt with him.
Declare this prayer loud: Embargo powers of my Father’s house, die in the
name of Jesus.
. . . More on
Ø Anything that Says NO to your moving
Ø Limitation causes Failure at edge of success.
Ø Limitation keeps you where you don't belong.
Ø Limitation scatters what you gather.
Ø Limitation causes pegs your achievement.
Ø Limitation detains you in the prison of no-achievement
The truth:
a child of God, you have unlimited power
level of God power is also the level of your power
People that were
affected by the Power of Limitation
v Saul: He limited his reign on the throne as king.
v Samson: He limited his
potential of achieving more Greatness.
v Abraham: He limited his level of prayer and it cause problems for him.
v Blind
Bartimaeus: He limited his prayers to only one when he was presented with a
blank cheque by the King of Kings.
Hard Facts of Limitation
ü Limitations do not just disappear; you have to deal with it.
ü Limitations can be physical, internal, external, and corporate.
ü Limitations have No respect for anybody; the age, status etc.
ü Some people are born into limitation, others entered into it.
ü Human being can be your limitation, just like pharaoh was a
limitation to the Israelite from going to the promise land.
ü Parental limitation can pull one down.
ü Limitation can be self-imposed
Implications of
Ø They disallow one from rising.
Ø They Limit effectiveness.
Ø They bring struggling and hardship.
Ø They hinder fruitfulness.
Ø They cause Stagnation and retrogression.
Ø The cause Shame and disgrace.
Ø They cause frustration.
Ø They cause demotion.
Ø They wage war against advancement.
Ø They are Suicidal powers
Ø They Sponsor discouragement.
Ø They cause Slipping breakthroughs.
Ø They discouraged helpers
They Bible
says; in the day that I cry, my enemies
shall return back
You need to cry against the power of limitation
. . . Many aspects of this
message have been shortened; Get full Sermon from the CD or book
Prayer Points
1. Strongman! Assigned to limit my life, die in the name of Jesus.
2. Owners of limitations; Carry you’re your load in the name of
3. Powers holding back my life from progressing; die in the name of
4. Walls of Jericho blocking my promise land; collapse in the name
of Jesus.
5. You my life! You shall not be stagnated! You shall not be
demoted in the name of Jesus.
. . . More Prayers on the CD
Seven Fold Amen with Faith!!!
Amen! Amen! Amen! Amen! Amen! Amen!
2015 is your Year of multiple restoration and
unparalleled Favor in the name of Jesus