SermonJotter 1st Anniv. Top 20 Messages: 8. The Smart Players

The smart Players

Many people want to serve God on their own terms.
Many are operating on selective obedience.

Many people are sitting on the fence where they can fall into any team.
Many don’t want to be ascribed has been too serious for the kingdom.

The Truth is:
·      There is no middle line in the game of life.

·      You are either completely with God or with Satan

·      If you have not been called a fanatic for God, then you have not started.
·      You cannot play games with the devil and win because he is far more intelligent than you (thousands of years older than you are)
Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold all things are become new. {2 Cor 5:17}
When you become a child of God, then it is Compulsory that everything about you change.
Characteristics of a Child of God:

Ø The person changes in Lifestyle
Ø The person changes in Character
Ø The person changes in Dressing
Ø The person changes in speech
Ø The person changes in actions
Ø Some of your friends will even change
If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you. {John 15:19}

There are a lot of people today that claim they worship and serve God.
These  people may be fervent and very active in churches and other place of worship.
This same people:
Operate selective obedience to God

Unbiblical Dressing

Can you show me in the bible where children of God were displaying their cleavages.

They now put pendant in the middle of their breast (cleavages)
You have a lot of ladies now show off their laps because they need to show the tattoo on their laps.

Now they put tattoo on their breast.
You still claim you are a child of God.
We do not deny these facts;
ü The fact that God loves you.
ü He cherish you.
ü God honors the day you came to him on the altar.
ü God honors the tears of Repentance.
But Do you think God is happy about these facts?
You have not distinguished yourself from the world: There is almost no difference between a Christian and an unbeliever in dressing. Meanwhile a believer should be different in Character, Appearance
Please, I plead with you, if you are not experiencing these changes in your life;
ü regardless of what some churches preach,
ü regardless of what you think,
ü regardless of the encouragement you get from people,
ü regardless of what you conviction is, then;
You Need to do a Re-Check on your Faith.
Why Should You Re-Check Your Life?
v God is not the author of Confusion:
God will not institute salvation and also counter it by supporting the kind of lifestyle that will bring confusion to other people.

When some people enter the church, you sense distractions everywhere; that is not the plan of God.

Some sisters’ blame guys for not minding their business; you won’t really blame some poor men they are not spiritually matured.
It is not everybody that comes to church that have grown spiritually; they have come into the church to seek the spiritual growth which they require but unfortunately their growth is truncated by some fashion-freak sisters.
These men might even have their wives beside them inside church; they would have been so confused that they begin to use their eyes to undress the not-too-covered sisters!
What is the original cause? Answer for yourself!
v God is not a destroyer of souls

As many souls are perishing, backsliding and falling as a result of this kind of dressing. This is ultimately leading them to the path of destruction.
v The name of God is been tarnished
This kind of dressing does not glorify God; you will see unbelievers saying; “and she calls herself a Christian”, “And she is coming from Church
v We are setting a bad foundation for the generation to come
In this fast era of dressing evolution, everyone wants to dress like the
whites; Many consciously or unconsciously, whether they agree or not, wants to be like Riha.. Beyonc.. and so on. You might not agree to this or do this intentionally but your dressing is almost like theirs.
Almost meansIt is not the same yet, but can be improved on to be same and even better than that.
Every new generation is most likely to improve and beat the old generation in every ramification including fashion.

What will be the fate of our little baby girl,
the small girl you are now been exposing to this kind of dressing.
The young girl you have been training with body revealing clothes.
The young girl you are building up to a dress freak like you.
It is certain that God is not Happy

Bible says; Flee from every appearances of evil.
This is a foundation of evil which we must crush before it becomes evil and ultimately turns to a monster.
v God does not Change
The Men of those days were able to work with God through consecration of themselves.
God is not after fashion but after the soul of men and He has not change and will never change. I pray you do not change from God’s standard till He comes.
Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.{Philippians 2:12}
Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. {Galatians 6:7}
You cannot be at the table of God and also be dinning with the Devil.

We will continue this message some other time.
This is a sharp warning that came through the holy spirit.
God is really not happy with the representation of his children in this world. 
It’s in your hands.
Make your creator and the creator of the universe happy.

God bless you as you heed to this warning.

Prayer Points
1.   I shall not be a Negative Example in the name of Jesus
2.   Every Snare pf the devil used to steal from me; Release me in the name of Jesus.
3.   The devil shall not harvest my soul in the name of Jesus.
4.   Weapon of hell fire against my life! Die in the name of Jesus.
5.   Property of hellfire in my life, catch fire in the name of Jesus.

Announcement!!!  Announcement!!!   Announcement!!!  
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. . . Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. . {Mat 15:16}
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