SermonJotter 1st Anniv. Top 20 Messages: 14. Dancers at the Gate of Hell

Culled and revised from a sermon from Dr. D.K Olukoya. General Overseer of the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries.

It is a horrible thing to be dancing when you see death, but the truth of the matter is that some people are dancing at the sight of death. Please I beg you, read this with rapt concentration and assimilation. Unfortunately, some people have entered the trap we are talking about today, so the purpose of this piece is to caution those who are careless; to warn those who are not careful; to deliver those who are already caged and to create prevention for those who could be future targets.

Dancers at the gate of death!

There are two muscles in the body of a man that has destroyed man beyond comparison; there are two muscles in the body of a man that has disgraced so many men; there are two muscles in the body of a man that has put man to shame and has made an able-bodied man, who is an elephant to become lizard. These muscles have made people who are eagles to begin to look for worms to eat on the floor like a chicken.
Muscle number 1 is the tongue.
Muscle number 2 is your penis.

These two muscles, more than any other organ in the body, has disgraced men and paralyzed their destiny. It is still doing so and the devil is using them with terrible effectiveness; and the reason the devil is using it is because he knows when he gets you through that one; it will take heaven to deliver you.

There is one muscle and one hole in the body of a woman that has put so many women in disarray, that has made so many high flying women to be swimming in the ocean of trouble and despair; that has made so many promising stars to be buried alive. That muscle is their tongue, and the hole is their vagina. Access to your body is a sacred thing and once you make it loose, you lose your destiny as well. More than any other problem that people have brought, the one that is so complicated and cause trouble for women is that one in the mouth and the hole under, the vagina. Unto every womb, there is gateman assigned from heaven. If you push off the gateman and you allow just anything to happen there, the ball is in your court.
Reuben lost his destiny because of sex. It is time for most of us to understand that the whole of life is not sex and one of the most terrible statements ever made to somebody was made to Reuben (Genesis 49). Reuben was supposed to get double inheritance, he did not get any. He was supposed to get good things, he didn’t get any. What made Reuben not to achieve his destiny is what we want to look at now. Genesis is the book of beginnings. When you want to know the origin of a thing, go to the book of Genesis. Genesis 49:2-4 “Gather yourselves together, and hear, ye sons of Jacob; and hearken unto Israel your father. Reuben, thou art my first born, my might, and the beginning of my strength, the excellency of dignity, and the excellency of power: Unstable as water, thou shalt not excel; because thou wentest up to thy father’s bed; then defiledst thou it: he went up to my couch.” (He slept with his father’s wife).
Look at his qualifications according to the scripture and how great he was. He was the first born, his might; the beginning of his strength; the excellency of dignity and the excellency of power; look at how great this man would have been. His destiny was aborted because he slept with his father’s wife. What put his destiny into trouble was his penis. There are lots of people whose destinies have been paralyzed and mortgaged already. You need to cry to GOD and repent; some still need to get home and hold that penis and pray that whatever demon is inside it that wants to misdirect your life should go. We keep getting cases everyday about people who went to the university, who are supposed to do well, but brought back with several problems; some of them running mad and the situation is so bad now that even people in primary schools are catching little boys and girls in the toilet sleeping with each other. They have already started a foundation of destiny destruction right from their youth.
It is we, who don’t know what we are doing; the enemy knows what he is doing. You can call the devil all manner of names and he will not contend with you. You can say, “devil you’re under my feet, you’re a liar,” fine, he won’t argue with you. You can say, “devil you have no power,” fine, he knows he is not as powerful as GOD, but one name you can’t call the devil is a fool. He is very intelligent, he knows what he is doing; he knows the kind of sin he can push you into that even the greatest prophet will not be able to deliver you.
I am still on the people right now and a lot of people in this country don’t like Dr. Olukoya because I’ll tell them their actions are wrong; you can’t do this, you can’t do that, no matter how highly placed you are. If you ask me to point my finger to one thing that has put Nigeria where it is today, it is the power of sex; strange women! Anytime I go to minister in our church in Abuja, those days, anytime you got down from the aircraft, you’ll see different cars coming out of Aso Rock to pick up girls from the airport and when I see those girls, I’ve never seen a normal girl among them. So if our leaders are sleeping with dangerous people, they are sleeping with marine people, they are putting their penis inside serpents, they’ll take all kinds of terrible decisions that will spoil peoples’ lives. It is not a sin for somebody to have an erection, but it is a sin to follow the direction of that erection.
Sisters, if there is any gate you should guard very jealously in your life, it is the gate of your womb

The person who deflowers (dis-virgins) you is a very important person in your life, because dis-virginity is a covenant. When a man puts his organ into you, it will be wet with the blood that is coming out from your broken hymen, you have thereby formed a blood covenant with whoever deflowers (dis-virgins) you. This is why you have to keep your virginity till you are married. So if you’ve thrown it away and you have even run high mileage in it, then you need to really repent, not only repenting, you need to go back to all the people you’ve slept with one by one and begin to break soul-ties with them because each person that sleeps with you has formed a spiritual soul tie with you and when you have so many of such soul ties in place, it will affect so many aspects of your life.

Women of destiny are never loose with their vagina. Women of destiny don’t go around with all kinds of men, women of destiny are women who pray, they know their destiny, they pray and get a man who will help them fulfill their destiny. They don’t just pull down their skirts anyhow, anywhere. Women of destiny don’t say we didn’t want to go far and they went far. If you see a woman of loose virtue then I can show you a woman who is a failure. If you see a man that is loose with women, I can show you a man who is already a failure.
What finished Samson? Sex. If you hear of suicide bombing today,
terrorist problems, bla, bla, it is sex that started it. Sarah was there; she didn’t have a baby on time and brought her house help to Abraham. Abraham was a very old man and the house help was a young girl. Abraham is like the sugar daddy who goes to campuses to sleep with their children’s age mates. Some people blame Sarah, but Abraham could have declined the offer and said “no, this girl is the one doing the house hold chores, I can’t see myself condescending to the level of sleeping with her, I will wait for GOD.” But no, he slept with her. Hagar gave birth to Ishmael who also gave birth to 12 sons (tribes) that make up the Arab nations that are now terrorizing the whole world today.
So, sexual sins are generational; there is no casual sex, it is generational, you are going to reap it. The only people that GOD delivers easily are those people who are raped, because it is not conceptual, the victim was raped. It is like an armed robber coming into a place, but those who walked in and are active and conceptually participated in the act without being drunk, you did it with a clear mind, you’ll reap the harsh benefit of it. It is very sad. Many destinies have been destroyed, many are being destroyed and the enemy is not stopping at all; he has invaded the present generation with a sexual revolution that is beyond comparison and to even spoil the case, there are pastors who are in sexual cages, who harass women who come for counselling, who run after girls, etc, simply because the same cage that wants to destroy their destiny has caught them. All these people are dancers at the gate of death and this is a serious matter.
Illustration Story
I shared the story of a brother who went to a party where he met a very beautiful lady, whose name was Funke; they had so much fun together at the party despite the fact that he was meeting her for the first time. On the
long run, right there at the back of the party venue, he slept with her, free sex. Later at 2a.m, he took Funke home with a promise that he will see her again at about 11 a.m. the next day. This man was brought to me when he saw what was more than him. According to him, he went to see Funke at the agreed time and the woman he asked of Funke from asked him to wait while she ran into the house to call the other women in the house (I guess to make sure she heard him right) and when
they came, they asked him again whom he was looking for. They asked him to describe her, which he did very well. He received the shock of his life when they told him that Funke died 5years ago. He argued with them that he brought her to the house just the previous night and that was where the problem of his life started. His parents took him everywhere; both psychiatric hospitals and churches but he was silent about his encounter with Funke until he was brought before me (at this time, he was as good as a ‘mugu’, i.e., Zombie) and in the course of the question and answer session (counselling), I asked him who he slept with. At that juncture, he asked that his mother be excused, which I did and thereafter, he confessed to me what he did. It took him 5 years to regain himself and go back to school. Destiny destruction, just because of one organ in the body that he couldn’t control.
Illustration Story
At another occasion, I was at the headquarters church when some boys came and one said he was the president of a cult group in the university and the other said he was the secretary general. So I welcomed them and asked what I could do for them. They talked for so long without really making any sense, so I asked them again “what really do you want?” It turned out that they wanted money. So I said “sorry, I can’t give money because it is God’s money” and they said “you sell books” and I said “yes I sell books, it is God’s money too”; then they said they wanted to go. But as they were about leaving, the one who said he was president said, “Can you pray for us Sir?” to which I agreed. This turned out to be ‘a holy mistake’. The moment I laid my hands on him and declared “Father in the name of Jesus”, all of a sudden, I have never seen such a reaction before since I have been ministering. Something folded him up like a balloon and he landed on the floor and he started tearing at his trousers. He initially went for his zip, but
when he was not getting the cooperation, he tore his trousers himself and I saw his penis and for the first time in my deliverance experience, I have never seen this type of thing before because the head of his penis was a serpent and the hole through which the sperm is supposed to come out was the tiny tongue of a serpent that was sticking out at intervals. Then I rushed for my anointing oil and poured it on the penis then he became normal. So I decided to engage him in a chat and when I asked him how many girls he had slept with in the past three months, he said about 21, both within and outside the campus. Imagine for instance a girl of destiny, who is supposed to be a high flyer in life now finding herself under this man whose penis is a serpent and what he was bringing in and out of her body is the head of a
serpent and what he is pumping into her body is poison and that is why fybroid, menstral troubles, happen to so many women and pastors are struggling to deliver them, not knowing that at a stage in their lives, they had slept with a serpent who had put venom inside their womb in order to derail their destiny. He said he had slept with 21 girls and he could not even trace the girls. This is a very serious matter.
Illustration Story
We had a crusade in the University of Ibadan many years ago. After the crusade, I returned to Lagos, but at the crusade, there was a word of knowledge that some girls were at the university to bury peoples’ destinies and that they should come out to be delivered or they will die within 7 days if they did not come out. They did not come out and I did not bother, but instead of coming out at the crusade ground, they came to me at the
headquarters to confess that they were the ones being referred to but felt too embarrassed to come out. So I said “the anointing of that day was for the moment and it is gone”. I then asked what their mission was. They said their mission was to destroy men in the campus, sleep with the boys or men, and take their sperms to the coven. I asked “how many have you taken like that” and they said they started when they were in their prelim classes and they are now in their final year, so they have lost count. When I asked the implication of their actions, they said those men are finished in all honesty. They added that they will never make it or amount to anything meaningful in life. I asked further how we can help them, they said unless you can track them down and even they can’t tell how such men can be tracked down because they don’t even remember their names. Now imagine someone who has been sent to the University to become great and he ends up with one of these ladies, his destiny will automatically take a downward slide and he will live in trouble forever except he meets a good prophet.
 Today, I want you to be honest with yourself. If you don’t face the reality, you’ll end up in a fantasy world. If you don’t face the reality today and get delivered, you may live in bondage forever. That thing that makes your body shake anytime you see a sister, there something in your body that needs to come out. It is a destroyer. Never think it is a normal thing, it is not normal. As for sisters, that thing that is inside your body and all the men are running after you and you are rejoicing, it is a bad spirit because both negative and positive men are running after you. Something is in you that is magnetizing them. If it is a good thing, it should not magnetize evil men. This situation must be addressed today as acidically as possible.
Illustration Story
Some time ago, we were in Kaduna and a prostitute was in the hotel where we were and was sent to seduce one of our pastors. The hotel is a tall building with a lift in it. As I entered the lift, I saw this lady in it and she smiled at me and I smiled back; then I got down at my floor without a word from either of us. Again, I had to rush down and pick something and lo and behold, the sister was still in the lift, so I politely asked her “do you live in this place?” and she said “shut up”, that she was looking for a customer. I asked if she was a prostitute, she said no, but a commercial sexual partner. She made the mistake of following one of our pastors who did a simple Mountain of Fire and Miracles prayer for her and she started screaming “ye, ye, pastor please pray for me o, see fire, see fire.” She was like that for
about 2hrs and when she eventually came around; we asked her what she saw. She said she saw a large place where a lot of people were being hung either by leg, mouth, belly etc, but the underlying fact was that they were being hung by the weapons of their sin. She said further that some were being hung by their penis in hell fire. This is a serious matter. To worsen the case, you acquire the demons of your sexual partners. Anybody you sleep with, you must collect all the demons he has in his or her body. It is automatic. Whether you use condom or not, the demons have no respect for condoms; they’ll cross.
The more people you sleep with, the more demonized you become.
The more people you sleep with, the more demonized you become. You may say but I am not a witch, no. It is easier to deliver a witch than to deliver a fornicator.

When God wants to do His judgment, He judges your motive, your thought, your heart, He judges what you were thinking and as far as the bible is concerned, you can rape a woman in your heart; once you do it in your heart, you’re declared guilty. Fornication is a thing of the heart and there is nothing like “Pastor we did not go all the way now.” Once it originates from your heart you’re declared guilty.
There was the case of a born again medical doctor who died 20 yrs ago. He was married to a born again wife and left 5 children behind. When she saw the corpse of her husband on the ground, she started praying, reminding God that early death was not part of their covenant with Him and that how will she be able to take care of 5 children all by herself; she kept praying, refusing that his corpse be taken to the mortuary. The man died at 9a.m. and after about 24hrs prayer by his widow, without stopping, the dead doctor came alive with a loud sneeze. Recounting his experience, he said when he died, he found himself in a very dark place where suddenly he was grabbed on each hand and was being dragged toward hell. He said he protested to the demons that he was a child of God but the demons could not be bothered. They dragged him to a corner from where he would be thrown into the boiling fire of hell, he said he saw human beings emptied into the fire the way lorry empties sand at the construction site. He said further that suddenly he heard a voice from above that shouted “release him” and the demons released him. He said at that juncture, Satan came out personally and protested to God that the man was without blame, except for the adultery of the heart to which GOD agreed and said nonetheless he wouldn’t allow the man to go to hell because of his praying wife (see what prayer can do). So when he came back alive, he went about sharing his testimony, abandoning his medical profession and whenever he wanted to end his testimony, he declared with a loud voice: “Beloveth, there is heaven and there is hell, choose one.” All these issues of boyfriend, girlfriend, there is nothing like that. You can jolly well call him ‘boy enemy’ because that is what they are.
Of all the drives that God created that pushes someone forward, the sexual drive is the strongest which needs to be controlled; and anybody who is sowing sexual seed is sowing a bad seed and sometimes, some of your present day backwardness may be due to one careless sex you had sometime ago at the back of your house which you thought was a casual sex but as far as the enemy was concerned, it was a valid transaction. Judah in the Bible slept with his daughter-in-law and that chain of sexual sin went on until it reached David. The sexual sin of David now set in motion a lot of terrible things, his child died and the war never departed from his family, his children were sleeping with his wives in the face of the sun. Many preachers run away from this sermon and refuse to tell people the full implication of sexual sin.
Prayer Points
1.   Lay your hand on your womb (sisters) and pray like this: Every deposit the enemy has put in my womb as a result of sexual sin, come out by fire, in the name of Jesus.
2.   Every evil marriage in the spirit because of my careless sexual past, be release today by fire in the name of Jesus.
3.   My destiny that has been mortgaged on the altar of sex, oh Lord deliver me from it, in the name of Jesus.
When you sleep with a prostitute, you and the prostitute becomes one. If you sleep with 20 prostitutes, it means you have segmented yourself into 20 different parts. If such a man now sleeps with you, it means the demons he has collected from the 20 prostitutes will be pumped into you and then problem starts from there.
 “Know ye not that your bodies are the members of Christ? Shall I then take the members of Christ, and make them the members of an harlot? God forbid. What? Know ye not that he which is joined to an harlot is one body? For two, saith he, shall be one flesh. But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit. Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body. What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.” {1 Corinthians 6:15-20}
For if the ministration of condemnation be glory, much more doth the ministration of righteousness exceed in glory.” {2 Corinthians 3:9}.
The ministration of today is to bring glory to your life, therefore accept it. Of all the sins on earth it is only fornication that is against the body and the body is the temple of God and whosoever defiles the temple according to the Bible shall be destroyed. This is the only sin in the Bible where God promised to personally supervise your punishment.
Sexual sins carry consequences. It is a devastating time bomb. Sex is for replenishing the health and pleasure, but a strict condition is attached to it and the condition is marriage. It’s such a serious issue that God declares that you must stick to one partner for life. Sex starts with thought process, it begins with the mind, proceeds to the imagination and then the person becomes a slave. Sexual sin has no value at all because what you stand to lose is more than the 5 or 10 minutes of pleasure; you stand to lose your life and your destiny. It is a hard slave driver, it will keep you longer than you want to stay and cost you more than you want to pay. You must be careful because the father of all sins is the devil and mother of all sins is lust, once lust starts, other sins follow suit.
Feeling of guilt, Self condemnation, Divided mind, Anxiety, Damaged self esteem, Hypocrisy, Emptiness, Disappointment, Anger, Depression, Dishonesty, Doubt, Wasted time, Diminished effectiveness, Fear,
Disobedience, to GOD, Regret, Remorse, Abortion, Damaged fellowship with God, Crime, Divine punishment, Sexually transmitted diseases, Damaged testimony, Damaged relationship with God, Damaged ministry, Damaged future, Damage to Godly usefulness, Fragmentation of souls, Defilement, Reprobate mind, Delivery to Satan, Sinning against your body, Brings God’s wrath upon one’s life, Laying a bad marital foundation, Breeding of bastards, Evil blood covenant, Demonization, Strengthening of internal yokes and burdens, Destiny diversion, Church pollution, Makes Satan happy, Unwanted pregnancy, Damaged womb or reproductive organ, Barrenness, Untimely death, Murder, Wrong marriage, Troubled marriage, Physical and spiritual death.
Sexual impurity, Sexually polluted, Lost virtues, Future time bombs, Chronic deliverance case, High mileage pollution, Sex in the heart, X-ray spirit, Shaven Samson, Altar prisoners, Evil negative charge, Self sex (masturbation), Lost glory and destiny group, Demoted prophet, Hidden infirmity group, Baby polygamist, Generational curses, Catapulted to zero level, Catastrophic children, Cursed sexual organs, Bewitched womb, Prostitution, Molech reproductive organ, Spiritual sex (spirit husband and wife), Violent introduction (rape), Sexual day dreamer, Soul ties, Magic/occultic hold, Sexual addiction, Fragmented soul, Cursed hand, Constant wet dream, Sleeping with animals, Watching pornography, Reading pornographic magazines, Reading sexy books, Lesbianism, Homosexualism, Oral sex, Group sex, Sex with children, Incest, Fondling and petting, Taking drugs to excite yourself
If you must escape from all these then
1.   Flee
2.   Burn the bridges (get rid of things that will drag you back into the bondage).
3.   Discipline your body.
4.   Be renewed in your mind.
5.   Make a covenant with your eyes.
6.   Go for deliverance if you need one.
7.   Learn the power of prayer and the Word of God.
8.   Avoid anyone that is provoking you sexually.
9.   Seek for help if the bondage persists.
10.                   Let God be your obsession
Prayer Points
1.   Yoke breaker, Jesus Christ, break my yoke now, in the name of Jesus.
2.   Every power assigned to waste my destiny, die in Jesus name.
3.   Anything in my life assigned to destroy my destiny, die in Jesus name.
4.   Power of defilement, I am not your candidate, die in Jesus name.
5.   Power of GOD, incubate my life in the name of Jesus.
6.   (Mention your name) I prophecy upon you, arise and shine in Jesus name.

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