PRAYER TIME: Connecting To the Socket of Divine Healing

PRAYER TIME:  Connecting To the Socket of Divine Healing

1.    I rebuke every refuge of sickness, in the name of Jesus.
2.    Let the whirlwind scatter every vessel of infirmity fashioned against my life, in the name of Jesus.
3.    Every spirit hindering my perfect healing, fall down and die now, in the name of Jesus.

4.    Let all death contractors begin to kill themselves, in Jesus’ name.

5.    Let every germ of infirmity in my body die, in the name of Jesus.
6.    Let your deliverance hand be stretched out upon my life now, in the name of Jesus.
7.     I annul every engagement with the spirit of death, in Jesus’ name.
8.    Let every agent of sickness working against my health disappear, in the name of Jesus.
9.    Fountain of discomfort in my life, dry up now, in the name of Jesus.
10.                       Every dead organ in my body, receive life now, in Jesus’ name.
11.                       I destroy the grip and operation of sickness upon my life, in the name of Jesus.
12.                       Every knee of infirmity in my life, bow, in the name of Jesus.
13.                       Let my entire negative be converted to positive, in the name of Jesus.
14.                       I command death upon any sickness in any area of my life, in the name of Jesus.
15.                       I shall see my sickness no more, in the name of Jesus.
16.                       Let my blood be transfused with the blood of Jesus to effect my perfect health, in the name of Jesus.
17.                       Every internal disorder, receive order, in the name of Jesus.
18.                       Every infirmity, come out with all your roots, in the name of Jesus.
19.                       I withdraw every conscious and unconscious cooperation with sickness, in the name of Jesus.
20.                       Let the whirlwind of the Lord blow every wind of infirmity away, in the name of Jesus.
21.                       I release my body from every curse of infirmity, in Jesus’ name.

Seven Fold Amen with Faith!!!
Amen! Amen! Amen! Amen! Amen! Amen! Amen!
2016 is your Year Of Dominion Favour & Divine Acceleration in the name of Jesus

God Bless you.

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