SermonJotter New Dimension: Message From Hymns & Songs

Message from Hymns & Songs

Ø There is Power in Melody
Ø There is Power in Song
Ø There is Power In Hymns
Ø It brings generate healing power to the body, Soul & Spirit.
Ø It is impossible Sing to God and not be blessed.
Ø It is a Gateway to Supernatural Increase.
Ø It is an easy way to defeat our Enemies.
Ø Hymns and Songs are synonymous To Prayers because it is a type of Prayer itself.

" . . . O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel" {Psalm 22:3}
Origin of Hymns
The New Testament tells us that hymns (from the Greek word 'hymnos' meaning songs of praise).
These Hymns were sung by Jesus and the disciples (Matthew 26:30)
"And when they had sung an hymn, they went out into the mount of Olives." {Matthew 26:30}
There is also a mention of hymns In Ephesians.
"Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;" {Ephesians 5:19}
What the Messages in Hymns & Songs Will Do
v To inspire You
v To Guide You.
v To Motivate You.
v To Encourage You.
v To Speak to You as a message from God.
v To Drive Faith inside of You.
v To Release the anointing of God in You.
"Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God." {Philippians 4:6}
The Challenge To You.
o   Are you a Child Of God?
o   Do You Have Passion For Music?
o   Do You want to use your talent to inspire others?
o   Do you want to minister to people in hymns and songs?
Then; This Segment is For You.
What TO Do?
ü Pick any Hymn or Godly Song of Your Choice.
ü Bring out the lessons, messages & inspiration of the song.
ü Send it TO Us & we will post it on Sermon Jotter Blog for every to see, read & Get Inspired.
There is a Command in Mark 16:15: Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.
Go Ye & Preach To All Men
You Can Also Do It.
Send Your Hymns & Song Messages to the Email:
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