PRAYER TIME: Jesus is not like a Frog

PRAYER TIME: Jesus is not like a Frog

One can never go to the house of the frog and ask for a chair, since the frog itself sits on ground. Therefore, a person can only give what he has. I boldly declare that there are many things that Jesus Christ can give to you since he has all things at all times. My Jesus is not like the frog that doesn't have a chair, kindly recite these words of prayer after me to have all things.
Prayer points

1.   In the name of Jesus Christ, I possess the things that the Lord has freely given me to fashion, by fire.
2.   Any spirit of hindrance that has blocked my miracles and breakthrough's, die by thunder and be buried by fire
 in the name of Jesus Christ
3.   You anti success spirit of bacteria, that has overshadow my success,  receive antibiotic power of Holy Ghost in the name of Jesus
4.   I touch the ground with this handthat I use to pray, that any one that want me to have nothing at the end of my destiny will be swallowed by the earth, by fireby thunder, in the name of Jesus Christ
5.   You the wind that blows from the four corners of the earth, I command you by the power of the Holy Ghost, be a poison against any entity that doesn't want me to enjoy the good things of the Lord, in the name of Jesus Christ
6.   Anyone that has swallow the real me and has given birth to the fake me, I punchyou with the Holy Ghost blow to vomit my originality and swallow that fake you birth for me, by the power of Christ resurrection in the name of Jesus
7.   I am covenanted child of Christ, therefore I declare that all the good things are mine, anyone who doesn't agree with me should thunder and paralyzed by fire in the name of Jesus!
By: Apostle Prince Nana Asiedu. Presiding minister of Patmos evangelical church international. Situated in Ghana. Contact: 0246487537. (Add Ghana code)

God Bless you.

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