50 Facts About God's Dustbin

Does God have a dustbin? : Yes he does What does he put there? :

Things that are unfit for him. The dustbin of the Almighty is Hell Fire. The largest volume of prayers

is being said in hell fire. This has nothing to do with your religious status because different calibers of religious & non-religious people are already there. The place is being enlarged for more accommodation. 


1. There's a place called hell fire (Matt 13:49) 

2. God prepared hell fire for the devil & his angels (Matt 25:41). So anyone who finds himself there is a trespasser.

 3. The devil wants everyone to go to hell fire. He's working very hard on it.

 4. A man will sentence himself to hell, not God. 

5. Hell fire is a place worth giving your arms, legs, & eyes up to avoid (Matt 18:8-9).

 6. Hell is more terrible than any language can express. You can't describe it! 

7. It is a place of tormenting fire

 8. The most terrifying aspect is that it will last forever. No break! 

9. Jesus spoke about heaven only once but spoke about hell eleven times in the bible. 

10. The saddest thing about hell fire is that you don't have to go there.

11. One thing that is worst than going to hell fire is going to hell fire & taking someone along with you.

12. Hell fire is one place where experience is not the best teacher.

 13. The gate of hell is the only gate that allows people to enter without allowing them to go out. 

14. After death, it is either heaven or hell, no purgatory. Hell is immediate after death. 

15. It is characterised by pain & suffering. 

16. God doesn't mind turning a whole nation into hell fire Psalm 9:17

 17. There are 260 chapters in the old testament, 230 substantiates the fact that there's hell fire

 18. It is a place of darkness

 19. It is a place of constant fatigue 

20. It is also called the bottomless pit 

21. It is a place of fire worms that doesn't die

 22. It is a place of bitter memory 

23. It is a place of gnashing of teeth 

24. It is a place of weeping & wailing 

25. It is a place of no hope 

26. Many so-called xtians are living at the edge of hell fire now & only a small push will get them in 27. It is a place where u will never get used to the pain. No one gets used with the pain of fire 

28. It is a place of unsatisfied eternal thirst 

29. It is a place filled with unimaginable fear 

30. A place of eternal association with the wicked 

31. A place of eternal separation from God 

32. A place of eternal death 

33. A place of unspeakable sorrow 

34. A place of horrible sounds 

35. There's a large volume of people there already. 

36. It is a place of restlessness

37. It is a place of no mercy

 38. It is a place of destruction 

39. It is a place of undiluted anger of God 

40. It is a place where people will pray but there will be no answer 

41. It is a place of frustration & anger 

42. It is a place where the smell of death will be bombarding the nostrils forever

43. Hell fire is not a story made up to scare you into doing good. It is real.

 44. Most of the people in hell

now do not expect to find themselves there 45. The surest path to hell is gradually moving away

from God. No more prayers, bible reading, and so on.

46. Your destination when you die is determined by your life here on earth

47. Hell has a big mouth and it swallows 

48. It is a place constantly expanded to take more people. Isaiah 5:14

49. It is a place where people beg for a drop of water

 50. It's a place where there's no big man. No respect for anyone. 

By Dr. D. K. Olukoya

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