Culled and revised from a sermon from Dr. D.K Olukoya. General Overseer of the Mountain of Fire and Miracles ministries.
The Dragon at the Edge of Breakthrough
The message for today is an introduction of a phenomenon referred to as “deep deliverance”. The dragon at the edge of breakthrough; the lord said: There are so many thousands and thousands of people, who are close to breakthrough, who have been close to breakthrough, who breakthroughs move close to; but they never got there. There is a dragon that keeps pulling them away from the breakthrough. The lord said; plenty of my people are rejoicing at the minimum when I have maximum for them; many are rejoicing on the crumbs when they should go for the full meal.
I pray for you; through this deep deliverance sessions, you will rewrite your family history in the name of Jesus.
“For a great door and effectual is opened unto me, and there are many adversaries.” {1 Cor 16:9}
The scripture implies that, the door is open, the door is there but behind that door, there is a congregation of adversaries; saying; NO! You will not get inside.
Pray this prayer loud: Powers, saying no to my breakthrough, you are a joker, die in the name of Jesus.
"There is an evil which I have seen under the sun, and it is common among men: A man to whom God hath given riches, wealth, and honour, so that he wanteth nothing for his soul of all that he desireth, yet God giveth him not power to eat thereof, but a stranger eateth it: this is vanity, and it is an evil disease." {Eccl 6:1-2}
It says, it its common among all men; He did get the power to collect the power to eat thereof; it is a stranger that eats it.
For somebody to see what is to be possessed but is not possess, the bible called it an evil disease and it is common among all men. |
That is why we are treating this topic first in the series of “Deep Deliverance”
Facts form the Passage read.
1. There is no true expansion that will not involve taking risk.
2. Unto every new level of achievement there is always a new devil.
3. Every true door has satanic soldiers hanging around it. They may try to prevent you from entering. You need to defeat the enemy to go in. It means that there are wicked spirits you to contend with for our blessings at the edge of breakthrough.
The presence of this adversary does not mean that God has not opened the door; it is even sometime a sign that God has opened the door. You cannot afford to turn back form such obstructed open door; it would be a first-class destiny tragedy.
Illustration Story
A boy applied for a job in a particular company; the person who is supposed to approve his employment was his family friend. He used to come to their house regularly, so he was rest assured that the job would be a walkover. On the interview day, just about 1 minute for the boy to be called for an interview which was supposed to be a walkover, the only person he knew in the panel developed stomach upset.
The man had to excuse himself to the toilet. This boy cam him unprepared because he was so confident success because of this man he knew.When this boy came into the interview room, sat down, looked at all the faces of the people on the panel, he did not see this family friend, he became confused. The panelist began to question him; he was not able to answer any of their questions due to his confused state. The panelist had even asked him an easy question “What is your name?”
he could not answer. Then they all said, they don’t want this kind of people in their company and they all score the boy zero. Immediately the boy went out of the room, family friend on the panel came him; but it was too late. That is failure at the edge of breakthrough.
This failure at the edge of breakthrough; because it is a common problem and a serious one.
Why Is It A Serious Problem?
ü A person almost saved will still end up going to hellfire.
ü Landlord that almost locked his gate will still be robbed if visited by robbers.
ü A Prisoner with death sentence that almost got pardoned will still be killed.
ü A ship almost saved from sinking will still sink.
ü A fire in a house that was almost extinguished will still damage the house.
Almost there! Is not there!!!
Adversaries at the edge of breakthrough, blocking people; bible says it is a common diseases. This is why people that know about deliverance gave it refers to it with different names:
v Blockage at the edge of breakthrough.
v Almost there anointing.
v Near Success Syndrome.
v Failure at the edge of success.
v Problems on the eve of miracles.
v Problems on the night preceding your morning of Joy.
v Seeing but not obtaining.
v Your labour going to Pharaoh.
v Emptiers.
These are terrible and destructive spirit.
A man died on the streets, in London on the day they appointed him as the ambassador of his country.
I pray for you: The battles that come your way when your breakthrough is coming your way; I paralyze them in the name of Jesus.
Symptoms that the powers are at work
Ø As a righteous person, you suddenly start feeling an unusual sexual urge come on you; you need to be careful because your breakthrough is on the way and this is the reason why these powers are at work.
Ø Sexual dreams; masquerades in the dreams;
Ø Retrogression dreams; going back to your formal schools.
Ø Wandering aimlessly around.
Ø Seeing dead relatives in your dreams.
Ø Swimming in the dream when you are not a swimmer in real life.
Ø Picking coins in the dream.
Ø Animals pursuing you.
Ø Been smeared by faces.
Ø Seeing snail or tortoise in dream.
Ø Worry.
Ø Unclean thoughts.
Ø Luke warmness.
Ø Hearing strange voices.
Illustration Story
There is this brother; anytime he was closed to breakthrough, that particular night, he would have a dream that somebody gave him palm wine to drink. Once he drinks this palm wine, anything he touches the next day will fail.
He started praying in his church where they don’t believe in deliverance, still there was not solution. On the night before his wedding, he saw someone serve him with palm wine again and he drank. When he woke up he knew that there was a problem.That day, the bride was already in church by 9 am waiting for the bridegroom who was on his way. Along the way, the vehicle carrying the brother and his best man had an accident, fortunately they did not die. They both took two bikes and headed for the wedding venue. Again, a vehicle pushed the brother’s bike into the gutter. The brother’s suite was not dirty and smelling; they ran into a person’s house where he took the best man’s clothes and they continued their journey in another car. Again, when they were closed to church, they had a sound in the engine of the car conveying them; the engine had knocked. The brother had to come down and started running to church. Eventually he got the church around 1pm; the bride has cried so much.
I pray for you: Every ancestral power that is hanging on your door of breakthroughs, I command them to die in the name of Jesus.
Joseph brought his two children to his to his father Jacob for blessings; Jacob place the right hand of blessing on the junior by the spirit of God; but Joseph was not happy about this; he said Not So! My father.
I pray for you: Those powers that are saying; not so! For your breakthrough to manifest, for you destiny to manifest; I bury them! In the name of Jesus.
Prayer Points
1. Glory killers! Of my father’s house, die! in the name of Jesus.
2. Evil powers, in my place of birth, assigned against me, die! in the name of Jesus.
3. Any power, that accepted witcraft for my sake, you are a liar, die! in the name of Jesus.
4. I kill, every inherited sickness in my life, by the power in the blood of Jesus.
5. Every power that pursued my parent and his now pursuing me, you are a liar, die! In the name of Jesus.
6. Powers! Digging graves for me, enter you grave in the name of Jesus.
7. Every rope, tying down my destiny, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.
8. Hands of witchdoctors, working against me, wither ! in the name of Jesus.
9. The mistakes of my parents will not become my tragedy in the name of Jesus.
10. O God arise! Intervene in the affairs of Nigeria, in the name of Jesus.
Seven Fold Amen!!!
Amen! Amen! Amen! Amen! Amen! Amen! Amen!