Word:The Base and the Database of the Wicked

Culled and revised jottings from a sermon from Dr. D.K Olukoya. General Overseer of the Mountain of fire and Miracles Ministries.
Sermon Date: Wednesday, 1st April, 2015
@ MFM Headquarters, Lagos.
The Base and the Database of the Wicked

The message for today reveals key spiritual strategies that exposes and identify the operations of the enemies and how to damaging the database of information that the enemy has about you.
The book of Psalms 74:20 says; "Have respect unto the covenant: for the dark places of the earth are full of the habitations of cruelty."

There is what is called; the habitation of the Cruelty; this is the habitation of the wickedness.
Those habitations are what we referred to as the BASE of Wickedness.
Bible records that this wicked powers have places which they reside in; there are places they meet. At the place called their base, they are under a command and given instructions.
"Let their habitation be desolate; and let none dwell in their tents."{Ps 69:25}
This bible scripture is a prayer against habitations of darkness.

It is not ordinary; it is a cursing prayer against the habitations of cruelty
I pray: Every habitation of cruelty, against your destiny, be rendered desolate in the name of Jesus.
What is a Base?
ü A Base is a Place of evil counsel.
ü A Place of evil plan.
ü A place where planning against the opposition.
ü A place of Reestablishment of ancestral ties
I Decree: Every habitation of cruelty of your Father/Mother’s house shall be rendered desolate in the name of Jesus.
ü A Base is a place where the old covenant of victims are renewed.
ü A place of mobilization of demons against a person.
ü A Place of where information is gathered about someone to use against the person.
ü A Place of evil programming against a person.
ü A place of construction of Evil Arrows; of sickness, failure death etc.
ü A place of temptation trap.

This is the reason why the bible confirms this in the book of
The whole World lie in wickedness
ü Place of Library of ancient records by ancient fathers
Where someone in your ancestral line might have made some decision on your behalf
ü A Place where enemy steals virtues.

Let it be known that; Every demon comes from a particular base; Be it, sprit wife, lust, violence, death; they all come from a base.
This demon in the base operate actions subject to instructions to that base.
To defeat a particular demon, you must detect the base it is operating from.
If a particular demon is immobilized in your life, the base may send a replacement; therefore it is best to destroy the base.
Detection strategies of the Base
1.   Dream of particular locations frequently. Some have frequent dreams of river, shrine, their village, former school or habitation and so on.
Illustration story
There was this brother that was doing his PhD abroad. He had completed the first, second, third year and he was in his fourth year.
One night, he had a dream; he saw himself at a particular crossroad in his village in Nigeria; He was just wandering around the crossroad till he woke up. He was a good Christian but the church he attended did not teach him about this dreams and strategies to use so he just ignored it.

 Few day to the defence of his thesis; he got up; picked his passport and flew back to Nigeria. It was when he got to into his family compound that it dawned on him that he had left abroad. He started asking his family; “What am I doing here? I am supposed to be defending my PhD abroad” His family were also surprised. This bother was actually summoned from the base. The base summoned him to get out of his career.
The base have the power to summon a person and say; Get our off your destiny, promotion, testimony.
I pray for you; Every Base of darkness assigned against your destiny, shall scatter by fire in the name of Jesus.
Dream is very important. Your Dream life is your spiritual monitor.
2. Your Names: The name you bear determine a lot about you destiny. Some name originated from idols and have been dedicated to idols; such names will affect the destiny of the person. Many ladies have good names but after marriage, they acquired a demonic name and has now been affecting their destiny.
3. Thoughts and imagination
"For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;"{2 Corinthians 10:3-5}
Thoughts and imagination are strongholds that needs to be pulled down. The can be a base for the wicked.
4. Research and investigation
  It is essential that everyone makes some key necessary research about their ancestors and family line. Research and inquire about the patterns in the family, common behavior, their old religion and worship, history and so on.

What is a Database?
Ø A database is an organized collection of data.
Ø A Large Store of information.
Ø Updateable storage of information.
In the bases of darkness, they keep records in their database archive; and use it to attack and work against people when it is needed.

We need to pray:
ü Need to pray the axe of God destroy the databases.
ü That the Fire of God should burn ashes, every information in this database.
ü That the fire should consume every system uploading our record for evil.
ü To invoke the fire of God upon the memory bank of the enemy.
ü To release confusion and destruction on evil gathering against us.
ü Crush every enforcer sent to gather information about us.
ü To Issue the curse of God.
Without Information; No enemy can be successful.
A Thief cannot succeed without information.

How to Deal with the base of darkness.
1.   Be born again.
2.   You need spiritual enquiry. Where am I from? Who am I?
You may discover that you are a king that is trekking and servants have taking over your horse of destiny.
3.   Renounce all evil associations.
4.   Break ancestral bondages.
5.   Attack their base and destroy their database.
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Prayer Points
1.   Base of the wicked; assigned against my life, die! In the name of Jesus.
2.   Memory bank of the wicked assigned against my destiny, scatter in the name of Jesus.
3.   Computers of darkness hold information about me; crash! In the name of Jesus.
4.   Blood of Jesus, destroy every archive of darkness working against my destiny in the name of Jesus.
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Declare these Confessions to yourself:
1.   The lord shall arise and have mercy on me this month, in the name of Jesus.
2.   From this month henceforth; God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death; no more bloodshed in the name of Jesus.
3.   The Spirit of the Lord is upon Nigeria; God shall heal the brokenhearted, deliver captives and bring liberty to our nation in the name of Jesus.
Seven Fold Amen with Faith!!!
Amen! Amen! Amen! Amen! Amen! Amen! Amen!
2015 is your Year of multiple restoration and unparalleled Favor in the name of Jesus


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