The Stones Will Cry Out
What we are looking at today is not a sermon but a message. It may sound like a sermon but it is really a message from God to you all; message to all members, workers, minister, pastors of all churches and to the whole world. This is a call to personal revival; it is a spiritual call as a warming to everyone. The message form the lord is very dangerous to ignore because ignoring it will lead to a devastating end.
"And he answered and said unto them, I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out." {Luke 19:40}
The bible is saying here that; if you keep quiet, the stones will cry out
"And think not to say within yourselves, we have Abraham to our father: for I say unto you, that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham." {Matt 3:9}
God is talking about stones here again in another scripture. He says; He will raise stones up, as children.
There is this song we use to sing, in those days that now rings bell; Yoruba - “Ebe mobe o Oluwa ma fi okota ropo mi”; English translation says; “I beg you lord, do not use stone to replace me”.
{Isaiah 6:1-8}"In the year that king Uzziah died I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple. Above it stood the seraphims: each one had six wings; with twain he covered his face, and with twain he covered his feet, and with twain he did fly. And one cried unto another, and said, Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of hosts: the whole earth is full of his glory. And the posts of the door moved at the voice of him that cried, and the house was filled with smoke. Then said I, Woe is me! For I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips: for mine eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts. Then flew one of the seraphims unto me, having a live coal in his hand, which he had taken with the tongs from off the altar: And he laid it upon my mouth, and said, lo, this hath touched thy lips; and thine iniquity is taken away, and thy sin purged. Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me”
Verse 8 is the origin of the popular song:
Isaiah heard the voice of the lord and he says, here am I, send me
Here I am, Send Me
Anywhere for you
Isaiah heard the voice of the lord and he said, here am I, send me
Isaiah was a prophet; Isaiah was working in the palace; Isaiah has been there for year; what a fearful passage. Isaiah was on ground but God was announcing; who shall I send?
A man can be very busy working very hard, doing church activities yet God will be asking, who shall I send?
Why God should be looking for someone else when Isaiah was on ground. Isaiah was working very hard, prophesying and preaching; Isaiah was working like many ushers and choirs of today; many are even coming to the house of God without group of house fellowship; they just come hear the message, get the prayers, share the grace and they go away. Each time heaven looks down and sees the position of Man, they cry out loud; who shall we send; who will go for us.
Heaven sees the people on ground are not doing the work assigned to them; how can a person will occupied with a great work but not satisfying the cry of heaven.
I Decree upon your life: Heaven will not regret over your life in the name of Jesus.
Isaiah was in the palace working but he did not know or see that his very position has been advertised in heaven; God was looking for somebody else. When Moses died, it is normal for replacement, likewise, Elijah. When Judas, God advertised his position; because God was not making profit; no concrete advancement. Can you honestly answer the question: Is heaven making profit from your life? Have you become a liability to the angels of God?
Listen beloveth! Not every movement is advancement; you may be swinging or rotating in one spot. Why should you be there and heaven will say there is nobody there; why should you decide to become history why you are still living; why should you decide to be staled where you are proclaimed to be fresh. The thing about God is this; God can go out of his way to allow you go on; to support you; you want job, gives you, wife, He gives you, children, He gives you, house, He gives you. Car, He gives you. Meanwhile, God is quietly looking for a perfect alternative and at the end of the day discards the person.
There is a mystery called replacement stone; when people engage in what is called, guilty silence. You are not doing anything specific for God; not representing heaven in the place God has put you; rejecting the call of God. The command and the warning is loud and clear; that your failure to cry out for you position and quickly change, will lead to replacement. If you don’t cry out, then the stones will cry out.
I pray for you: You will not be replaced with stones, in the name of Jesus.
The stones will cry out if you refuse to cry out. If the disciples of Jesus did not cry out the stones would have cried out.
What does it mean to cry out?
1. To witness for Jesus without shame: As you are, how many people have you witness Jesus to, in the last six months; either by you words or activities. Some call themselves mfm member and they sleep around; such people are disgrace and embarrassment to the church and Christianity. How can you not preach to that man you surrender yourself to, to sleep with you? This is why people are being replaced. This is the message from God! Know there you stand. Witness for Jesus without Shame.
Illustration story
One sister in this church said she met one boy and they started talking and became friends. One day she decided, contrary to our teaching here, to visit the brother in his house.
She said when she got there; the boy that claims he was born again, she was coming from church; the boy was coming from church. Instead of the brother asking; how was service today? Immediately she sat down, the first question he asked was, what she wanted to drink, she said, just water; he brought water. The next thing the brother brought out was a condom; the person that is visiting for the first time. The sister quickly ran out; but some will not run, they will not become a disgrace and embracement to heaven.
She said when she got there; the boy that claims he was born again, she was coming from church; the boy was coming from church. Instead of the brother asking; how was service today? Immediately she sat down, the first question he asked was, what she wanted to drink, she said, just water; he brought water. The next thing the brother brought out was a condom; the person that is visiting for the first time. The sister quickly ran out; but some will not run, they will not become a disgrace and embracement to heaven.
2. To publicly declare your stand: In some places I used to work in those days; anytime we are going on a trip and I am the leader of the group, some people grumble loudly. They say; what Daniel! That means on this trip, he will not release money for us to take alcohol; they know my stand, what I believe in. When the trumpet of your life is blowing an uncertain sound; nobody knows if you are on the right or left. The bible says if you want to be cold, be cold; want to be hot, be hot; don’t be hot-cold, not lukewarm. If you want to be MFM person then be, if you don’t want, then don’t come here; go to the places that you can do what you like. Here we prepare people for heaven, to fulfil their destiny. MFM is not a fashion parade church, here we don’t entertain; this is not an entertainment center.
3. To let your light shine before all men
4. To declare the lordship of the lord Jesus Christ: Anywhere you are, if they have not nicknamed you; this one only knows Jesus, he has become “iya Jesu” mother of Jesus; if they have not nicknamed you then you are not declaring Jesus; not yet witnessing.
5. To Announce yourself on the lord side: To shout and Cry from your hear to yourself that you are on the lord’s side.
6. To Tell the world that you are a Christian
Failure to do this crying out would be writing a Korea letter to replacement by stones. It is important to pray: “O Lord! Don’t replace me with Stone”
What are stones?
ü Stones are Unlikely people, who you never though would get born-again; all of a sudden, they got born-again; all of a sudden God filled them with Power. They were formerly native doctors, now they have become preachers; you claim you have been born-again since you were young; your father is a priest, mother deaconess, bishop and so on, you will now be carry the bags of this people. Why; because you were not fervent as you should be, so they have been replaced.
ü Rejected People: People that their past lives are been dirty and stinking; but has rebranded them. The bible says; Eyes of God goes to and fro to know whose hearts are pure; God is now using stones. Some will say; I was there, when they started was with the mass choir; I was, I was; are all stories.
ü Stoney hearted people; People who originally hate the gospel and may even be killing Christians. Eventually many will realize that, there is more to life then fashion, make-up, sex, parties, making money.
ü Those written-off by the world: People that are thought to be useless; you say this are thieves, robbers. That robber at the right hand of Jesus entered into paradise; He called Jesus Lord! when others are saying crucify him; He negotiated his salvation on that cross with Jesus.
ü People from the dunghill of life
ü Chronic unbelievers
ü Wicked people; you see witches and wizards drop their materials and surrender their lives to Jesus.
Pray like this, where you are; My Father, do not replace me with stones in the name of Jesus.
Have God placed you in a position his kingdom; in mountain of fire, guard it well. There are thousands of people ready to take your place.
God said; if this one keeps quiet, this stone will cry out.
With this, I realized that, Support, popularity, fame, prosperity, expansion is not a yardstick that you have divine approval.
Lesson from Wilderness Experience of Israelites
Go had decided and concluded that He was going to destroy those people that said they were grasshoppers. He declare that, the generation was a wasted generation and He was going to waste them. There was a hanging judgment on them. One would expect immediately, this declaration was made, they will die one by one, through hunger, diseases and so on but surprisingly, God gave them water from the ground, gave them meat, yet they were wasted. God was doing all this to the people, He swore to destroy.
Couldn’t it be that all the sweat, success story, breakthroughs, testimonies that you have, could it be that it’s been reserve for you final wastage; because God was blessing people who were under the sentence of wastage. It is a fearful thing to know that God is busy searching underground for you replacement, It is a serious matter.
We all need to be carefully; the minister, leader, worker; If you decide you drop your assignment, you will be amazed at the number of replacement stones that will rush in to replace in.
Illustration story
In 1989, when Mfm newly started, we had one person playing the organ, anytime he is upset, he walk off; one person with guitar; anytime he is upset, he walk off.
I was telling them then; the greatest gift we have are opportunities. It is good you keep the opportunities you have, if you don’t, stones will come and replace you. That was in those days, today, in this headquarters, we can count up to 11 to 12 organist.
You see people today; heaven places you in the prayer warrior team, evangelism team, you are busy saying; we started together; you need to be careful so that the lord will not replace you with stones.
Reason for Replacement by Stones
One quite reason why God wants to replace many is due to their secret sins; cleverly concealed sin.
Your sin is not a sleeping dog that should be left alone. Every sin requires a constant manufacture and reinforcement with any other sins. That cleverly concealed sin is the root of so many other sins.
That secret sin is polluting your prayers; it is strengthening your enemies. That secret sin is a signal to God that you are taking your internal issues of heaven and heal casually. If you take this message casually you will become a casualty.
Illustration story:
A man murdered another person; but this person struggled with him before he killed the person. In the struggle one button of his coat fell down.
By the time the police came, he ran way and they didn’t know who killed this person. Although he escaped but for a long period of time, he was troubled; he keeps think; the button, the button; no rest for him. When his heart could not take it again, he went back to that place to find the button. As he was looking for the button, the police came out and arrested him. They said, we saw the button and we knew you would be back.We have been keeping watch for months; for the day you will come.
Every cleverly concealed sin; secret sin can make you to smell in the nostrils of God.
Thank God Isaiah got another chance. Isaiah was able to identify the reason his position was being advertised; it was unclean lips.
Just unclean lips made a prophet undone. Then consider many of us who do not only have unclean lips, but unclean hands, unclean eyes, unclean heart, unclean hears, unclean legs.
Isaiah did not fornicate, steal; it was only unclean lips that made heaven to advertise to replace him with stone.
Illustration story:
A man arrived heaven and found a giant notice board with advertisement.
3 of the adverts shocked him; tree pastors of three different churches he knew were wanted. He said; this people are still alive, why is the position advertised. He was told this; these men are present but absent; they around but not available; they are at church but not in church; that is why heaven is calling for their replacement. What shocked this man is that; after this revelation, one of these pastors fell into immorality and was dismissed; the second contacted HIV and left the ministry, the third pastor died in an accident.
I pray: Heaven will not replace you, in the name of Jesus.
Symptoms of being in the garden of Replacement by Stones
1. Dry or no quite time: wake up in the morning, no bible no prayer; heaven is calling for your replacement because you can’t continue like that.
2. No fresh revelation from heaven: Instead of spiritual activities that will make heaven give you revelations, you are busy with unproductive chats
3. Dry Bible study: Many can pray, but to sit down and study the Bible is a problem. You do not attend Bible study in church; you are only interested in prayers.
4. When sleep has overtaken your prayers life.
5. When dreaming of Stealing your Bible in dream.
6. Failing in spiritual activity in the dream.
7. Naked in the dream.
8. Going from meaningful dream to meaningless dream.
9. Going back to old sin: Go back to the old sins that you left before you got born-again; the heave is calling for you replacement
10. Speaking powerless and dry tongues.
11. Too busy to hear from God.
12. Level of Secrecy is very high.
Why did you stop those things you were doing for God? Who or What kept you quite? Is your friends? Critics? Worldliness or poor time management?
You need to arise and repent; shake yourself away from this satanic vacation the enemy is putting you; Jump out of the sinking ship to the savior boat. You need to cancel your travel ticket to the grave of nonexistence.
I wish to announce to you now, God its raising Stones; Stones are being raised and they are waiting to fulfill divine purpose. Ever ready to replace you.
What Do You Do?
Make a U-turn.
Rediscover those things that made you the apple of God’s eye.
Go back to your first love with God.
You used to do soul lifting praise worship; you have stopped, go back.
You used to do fervent prayers; you have stopped, go back.
They used to call you mother of Jesus because of your uncompromising stand but you have now begun to compromise, repent.
All the worldly things you have left, one by one you are bringing them back.
This is a warning from heaven Stones are being raised and you would not be able to bind, stop or cast them away.
Make up your mind; if your bible is dusty, blew the dust and start meditating on it. This is a call to sit down and reevaluate your spiritual life. The bible in your head is those, you have learnt when you were a child, no new ones.
v Genuinely Repent.
v Ask for Forgiveness and mercy.
v Ask of the grace of a second chance like Isaiah.
v Renew a lasting covenant with God.
Remember the bible says; the stones which the builder rejected have become the chief stone of the corner.
Illustration story
Many years ago when we were very young Christians, there was a crusade. There is this brother that is very wicked and loose. He doesn't care about anybody, smokes hemp; He mocks and despised Christians. We did not know we were looking at a stone. A man was invited to come and preach and this wicked boy was present. When the man of God took the altar call, this boy was the first person; he surrenders his life to Christ. That same day he got the baptism of the Holy Spirit, started speaking in tongue and seeing vision.
The next day, He locked himself up, he started the bible from Genesis and within 5 days, he read through. By the time he would come out, he was another person. Before he eventually went to be with the lord, he raised 36 persons from dead.
This was the same wicked brother, good for nothing cult boy; now is praying in tongues, praying for the dead people; all the people that have been born-again for years are now following this former-wicked boy and are calling him; daddy ! Daddy! May Stones not Replace You!
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Prayer Points
1. My Father! Have mercy on me! In the name of Jesus
2. Powers! Assigned to waste my salvation, die! In the name of Jesus.
3. I refuse to be wasted, by the power in the blood of Jesus.
4. O God Arise and Revive me, In the name of Jesus.
5. Thou power of the strong man, blocking my chances, die! In the name of Jesus.
6. Powers! That wants me to labour in vain, die! In the name of Jesus
7. My life! Hear the word of the lord, move forward by fire, in the name of Jesus.
8. Where is the lord God of Elijah? Arise; catapult my destiny, in the name of Jesus.
Seven Fold Amen with Faith!!!
Amen! Amen! Amen! Amen! Amen! Amen! Amen!
2015 is your Year of multiple restoration and unparalleled Favor in the name of Jesus